Chapter 61


by: josavere

Colombian politician, lawyer, writer and diplomat, known for his influential role in Colombian politics during much of the 20th century; He was a prolific writer and left a considerable legacy in terms of writings and reflections on politics, economics and law. His notable works reflect his thought and intellectual contributions:

He was born on June 30, 1913 in Bogotá, Colombia; His father was Alfonso López Pumarejo, who was also president of Colombia; He studied law at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá and then at the University of Chile and Georgetown University in the United States.

He was the first governor of the newly created department of Cesar between 1967 and 1969, a position from which he promoted regional development. under the presidency of Carlos Lleras Restrepo and in 1968, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. He served as president of Colombia between 1974 and 1978; During his tenure, he faced significant challenges such as inflation and social unrest. He attempted to implement land reforms to redistribute land, although with limited success; he focused on controlling inflation and improving the country's economy through various reforms. He maintained an active foreign policy, strengthening Colombia's relations with other Latin American countries and with the world. . He sought the presidency in the 1982 elections, but was defeated by Belisario Betancur.

López participated in the signing of the Torrijos-Carter treaty that guaranteed the future return of the Panama Canal by the United States, whose fulfillment would take place on December 31, 1999 and which occurred between the presidents of Omar Torrijos and Jimmy Carter, after years of controversy between both countries. He was also a frequent visitor to the White House, forming a good relationship with Richard Nixon and later with Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

With López, diplomatic relations with Cuba were reestablished on March 6, 1975, which were interrupted on December 9, 1961 under the government of Alberto Lleras Camargo, and due to the influence of the government of John F. Kennedy, after the failed invasion of Cuba. Bay of Pigs.

He began hydrocarbon exploration with the state company Ecopetrol. Thanks to this he built gas pipelines, oil pipelines and refineries to support oil exports. During his government, Colombia had a second coffee boom, but at the same time high levels of inflation. Women entered military careers for the first time. The Colombian Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Land Adequacy (HIMAT today IDEAM) was created, the age of majority was established at 18 years,

After his presidency, López Michelsen dedicated himself to writing and academia, publishing several books and articles on politics and law.

He is remembered as a key figure in Colombian politics, with significant ability and a life dedicated to public service and the development of the country.

He is remembered not only for his direct contributions during his tenure, but also for his influence through his family and his writings. His life and work reflect a deep commitment to the progress and stability of Colombia; He was considered one of the most influential, rich and powerful men in the modern history of Colombia, given the close and complex family circles that surrounded him.

He also played an important role in the promotion and development of vallenato music; In addition to his political career, he had a deep interest in the culture and folklore of the Caribbean region, especially vallenato, a traditional musical genre from the Caribbean region of Colombia, characterized by the use of instruments such as the accordion, the vallenata box and the guacharaca It has its roots in the mixture of indigenous, African and European cultural influences. Traditionally, vallenato was sung and played at local celebrations and social events, telling stories and legends of daily life, love, and nature; He was a passionate defender of vallenato and contributed significantly to its recognition and appreciation both nationally and internationally. Some of his key contributions include:

Foundation of the Vallenata legend festival: in 1968, together with a group of friends, including Consuelo Araújo Noguera (also known as "La Cacica"), Alfonso López Michelsen helped found the Vallenata Legend Festival that has become one of the most important events, attracting musicians, composers and fans from all over the country and abroad.

Cultural promotion: as Governor of the department of Cesar, I have promoted various initiatives to promote Vallenato culture, supporting local musicians and composers and promoting it in different cultural events and media.

International recognition: thanks to his efforts, vallenato gained greater international recognition, helping this musical genre to be seen as a symbol of Colombian cultural identity.

Preservation of folklore: López Michelsen was a great defender of the importance of preserving the country's folklore and musical traditions. His work helped ensure that vallenato not only survived, but flourished and adapted to modern times, always maintaining its traditional essence.

The influence of Alfonso López Michelsen on the history of vallenato is profound and lasting. His passion for this musical genre and his dedication to promoting Vallenato culture have left an indelible mark on the history of Colombian music.


Notable Books and Publications

"Liberal Ideas" (1962): collects his thoughts and proposals on liberalism in Colombia, offering a detailed vision of his political and economic ideas.

"The Spanish Civil War and the Colombian Liberal Republic" (1979): analyzes the influence of that Spanish war on Colombian politics, establishing parallels and reflecting on the lessons Colombia could learn.

"Letters to an Awakening Nation" (1994): a series of letters addressed to Colombians, in which he expresses his opinions on the problems and challenges facing the country, as well as his hopes for the future.

"Law in Latin America" (1982): examines the evolution of law in the region and its impact on society and politics, offering a comparative perspective.

"The President Who Was Going to Fall" (1992): a critical analysis of his own presidency, in which he reflects on the successes and failures of his administration, as well as the political and economic pressures of his time.

Essays and Articles:

"The Great Turn: Political and Economic Essays": a compilation of essays in which López Michelsen discusses economic and political issues, proposing reforms and analyzing contemporary policies.

"Where Colombia goes": an article in which he offers his perspective on the future of the country, addressing topics such as violence, the economy and social policy.

"Letters to an Awakening Nation"

The book is made up of a series of letters in which López Michelsen shares his opinions and reflections on various issues that affect Colombia. Through them, he offers a critical and profound look at the reality of the country at that time.

Main topics political situation: López Michelsen analyzes the political situation in Colombia, highlighting governance problems, corruption, and the need for political reforms to strengthen democracy.

Armed conflict and drug trafficking: he addresses the impact of armed conflict and drug trafficking on Colombian society; He discusses possible solutions to achieve peace and reduce the influence of drug cartels.

Economy: He examines the Colombian economy, identifying the main economic challenges and proposing measures to improve it.

Social inequality: López Michelsen highlights the profound social inequality in Colombia and the need for public policies that promote equity and social justice.

Education and culture: he highlights the importance of education and culture as fundamental pillars for the country's development and proposes reforms to improve the educational system.

Role of youth: he calls on Colombian youth to actively get involved in building a better future for the country. He sees young people as crucial agents of change for Colombia's progress.

Rural development: he talks about the importance of rural development and the need for agricultural policies that benefit farmers and promote sustainable development.

Future perspectives: In his final letters, he shares his vision of a more promising future for Colombia, based on peace, justice and the comprehensive development of the country.

"Letters to a nation that awakens" is a work that offers a deep and critical reflection on the problems and challenges facing Colombia. Through his letters, Alfonso López Michelsen seeks to inspire Colombians to work together to overcome difficulties and build a better future for his nation.

Rural development: talks about the importance of rural development and the need for agricultural policies that benefit farmers and promote sustainable development.

Future perspectives: In his final letters, he shares his vision of a more promising future for Colombia, based on peace, justice and the comprehensive development of the country.

"Letters to a nation that awakens" is a work that offers a deep and critical reflection on the problems and challenges facing Colombia. Through his letters, Alfonso López Michelsen seeks to inspire Colombians to work together to overcome difficulties and build a better future for his nation.

In the speech "The Two Colombias" given upon assuming the governorship of the department of Cesar in 1967, he addressed the marked socioeconomic inequality between different regions of Colombia and highlighted the need for a more equitable approach to national development.

Here are some key points from López Michelsen's speech:

Division between the two Colombias: he emphasized the existence of "two Colombias": one developed and modern, mainly in large cities and urban areas, and another backward and forgotten, which corresponds to the rural and peripheral regions of the country. This dichotomy reflected deep inequalities in terms of access to basic services, infrastructure and economic opportunities.

Regional approach: upon assuming the governorship of Cesar, he highlighted the importance of addressing the specific needs of the least favored regions. He proposed a development model that took into account the particularities and potential of each region, instead of applying uniform policies that did not consider local differences.

Comprehensive development: he proposed the implementation of comprehensive policies that not only focused on economic growth, but also on the social and cultural development of communities. He stressed the need to improve education, health and living conditions in rural areas to close the gap between the "two Colombias."

Community participation: He advocated for greater participation of local communities in decision-making and planning for their own development. He believed that citizen involvement was crucial to the success of any regional development policy.

Vision of the future: his speech also included a vision of the future in which all regions of Colombia could develop equitably, taking advantage of their resources and potential in a sustainable and fair manner; He highlighted the need for long-term planning and sustained commitment from the national government to achieve this goal.

Alfonso López Michelsen made several comments about Simón Bolívar throughout his life, for being a central figure in the history of Colombia and Latin America. One of López Michelsen's most cited comments about Bolívar is:

"Simón Bolívar is the greatest Colombian of all time."

This statement reflects the high esteem in which he held Bolívar, recognizing his crucial role in the independence and formation of several South American nations. Furthermore, he frequently referred to Bolívar as a source of inspiration and a symbol of the fight for freedom and justice in the region.

He had specific opinions and comments on several Colombian political leaders, including Carlos Lleras Restrepo, Misael Pastrana Borrero, Álvaro Gómez Hurtado and Alberto Lleras Camargo. Here is a summary of his perceptions of each of them:

Carlos Lleras Restrepo: he recognized Lleras Restrepo as a man of great intellectual and administrative capacity. Despite his political differences, he appreciated his focus on modernizing the country and his ability to manage the economy.

Misael Pastrana Borrero: was his critic, especially regarding the way in which his election was carried out in 1970, which was marked by controversies and accusations of fraud. He believed that his presidency was marked by the continuation of conservative policies that did not adequately address the country's social and economic problems.

Álvaro Gómez Hurtado: he maintained a relationship of respect and rivalry with Gómez Hurtado. He recognized his oratory talent and his firmness in convictions, although he also often criticized his conservative political stance. Despite their differences, both shared a common concern for the destiny of the country and, at times, their paths crossed in the search for solutions to national problems.

Alberto Lleras Camargo: He held Lleras Camargo in high regard, recognizing him as a fundamental figure in Colombia's political history. He admired his leadership abilities and his role in the formation of the National Front, an agreement that was key to the country's political stability for decades; He valued his ability to navigate complex political landscapes and his commitment to democracy.

Respect and admiration: In his interaction with women in the political and social spheres, he was known for showing respect and admiration. He worked with several prominent women in his cabinet and in his political party, supporting his participation in the country's public and political life.

He supports women's causes: During his term, he also showed support for several causes related to women's rights. His administration promoted policies that favored gender equality and sought to improve the living conditions of women in Colombia.

Cecilia de López: his wife, was a prominent figure in her own right, with notable influence in the areas of social and cultural work. Her marriage was seen as a strong and collaborative alliance, with Cecilia playing an active role in public life.

Although as a public figure he was always under scrutiny, Alfonso López Michelsen remained primarily focused on his political career and his cultural interests. His relationship with women, both in his personal life and in his public career, was characterized by respect and support for his participation in various spheres of Colombian life.

Diplomatic and Political Relations

Cold War Context: During López Michelsen's presidency, the world was immersed in the Cold War. The relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union significantly influenced the domestic and foreign policies of many countries, including Colombia. Cuba, under the leadership of Fidel Castro, was a close ally of the Soviet Union.

No Formal Alliance with Cuba: López Michelsen maintained a cautious stance regarding Cuba. There was no formal alliance or significant rapprochement between the two countries during his tenure. This was partly due to the influence of the United States in the region and the need to maintain good relations with Washington.

Position towards Communism:

Neutrality and Non-Intervention: Although López Michelsen did not promote an openly anti-communist policy, he also did not seek to align himself with the Cuban regime. His government adopted a stance of neutrality and non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries, including those with communist governments.

Internal Influence: Within Colombia, the Cuban revolution and the leadership of Fidel Castro had their admirers, which generated political tensions. López Michelsen, however, focused on maintaining internal order and dealing with guerrilla movements, some of which were inspired by the Cuban revolution.

Development Policies and Human Rights; Economic and Social Forms: López Michelsen's mandate was highlighted by attempts at economic and social reform, seeking to improve the living conditions of Colombians. These reforms, although not radical like those implemented in Cuba, reflected a commitment to development and social justice.

Human Rights: Regarding human rights, his government faced criticism from both left and right opponents. López Michelsen sought a difficult balance in a country affected by political violence and armed conflicts.

In summary, Alfonso López Michelsen maintained a moderate and cautious stance regarding Fidel Castro's Cuba. While there was no close relationship or formal alliance, nor was an overt hostile stance adopted. The foreign policy of his government reflected the complexity of the international context of the Cold War and the internal needs of Colombia.

His relationship and policies regarding drug trafficking:

Context of the presidency of López Michelsen

Initial anti-narcotics policy: At the beginning of his term, drug trafficking had not yet reached the levels of influence and violence that would be seen in later decades. However, during his presidency the foundations of the drug trafficking problem that would seriously affect Colombia in the following years began to be laid.

Measures Taken: he recognized the seriousness of drug trafficking and promoted some measures to combat it. Efforts were initiated to improve international cooperation, especially with the United States, to address the problem of drug trafficking.

Legislation and actions: During his administration, stricter laws against drug trafficking were implemented and the capabilities of security forces to combat drug traffickers were strengthened.

Relationship with drug trafficking:

Complaints and accusations: Although there is no conclusive evidence directly linking López Michelsen to drug trafficking activities, his presidency was marked by the difficulties of containing the growing power of the drug cartels. Some critics have pointed out that the measures taken were not enough to stop the problem in its early stages.

Politics and corruption: López Michelsen's era, like that of his successors, was characterized by accusations of corruption at various levels of government. drug trafficking

Impact of his Presidency:

He implemented reforms to diversify the Colombian economy, reducing overdependence on coffee. These policies had mixed effects, since, while they sought to strengthen other sectors, they did not always benefit small coffee growers.

International Coffee Crisis: The 1970s were a time of volatility for the coffee market. had to manage the repercussions of the international coffee crisis, which significantly impacted Colombian producers.


López Michelsen's legacy in relation to coffee growers is mixed. His administration sought to support and stabilize coffee production, but he also had to face the challenges of a volatile international market and the need to diversify the economy. Although he implemented policies to protect and strengthen the coffee industry, his decisions also faced significant criticism and challenges.

In short, the relationship with the coffee growers was marked by a constant effort to balance support for a vital industry for Colombia while navigating the economic turbulence of the time.

López Michelsen, El Cerrejón, and Ecopetrol are three important themes in the history and economy of Colombia. Alfonso López Michelsen played an indirect but significant role in shaping the political and economic environment that allowed the development of key projects such as El Cerrejón and the consolidation of Ecopetrol as a giant in the energy sector.

 Alfonso López Michelsen:

He is known for his economic and social reforms during his tenure. In addition to his presidency, he had a significant political and diplomatic career, influencing various areas of the Colombian government.

El Cerrejón: Cerrejón is one of the largest open pit coal mines in the world, located in the department of La Guajira, in northeastern Colombia. The mine has been a major source of income and employment for the country, but has also been the subject of controversy due to environmental and social impacts. El Cerrejón's operation involves the extraction, transportation and export of thermal coal, and has played a key role in Colombia's mining sector.

 Ecopetrol: is the state oil company of Colombia and one of the largest companies in Latin America. Founded in 1951, Ecopetrol is dedicated to the exploration, production, transportation, refining and marketing of oil and natural gas. The company is a central piece in the Colombian economy, representing a significant portion of the country's income. In addition to its economic role, Ecopetrol has also had to deal with challenges related to sustainability and social responsibility.

Relationship between these themes:

Although he is not directly related to the founding of El Cerrejón or Ecopetrol, he did govern at a crucial time for the development of the energy sector in Colombia. His administration laid the foundation for economic policies that would influence the expansion and regulation of key industries such as mining and oil. Furthermore, his administration was characterized by promoting foreign investment and modernizing strategic sectors of the economy.

Historic context:

El Cerrejón: During the presidency of López Michelsen, Colombia was in the process of developing its mining industry. Although the initial El Cerrejón contract was signed in 1976 with the consortium of international companies and the Colombian State, it was under his presidency that the foundations for this type of mega projects were established.

Ecopetrol: Ecopetrol already existed as a state company before his presidency, but during his term, the company continued to expand and modernize, which helped position Colombia as a relevant player in the international oil industry.

Development of maritime legislation:

In his government they made efforts to reaffirm Colombian sovereignty over these areas. During his tenure, several laws and decrees were developed and promulgated that sought to regulate and protect Colombia's maritime interests, laws that were fundamental to establishing a legal framework that supported the country's territorial and maritime claims.

 Participation in international forums:

In his administration they actively participated in international forums and diplomatic negotiations to ensure recognition and respect for Colombia's maritime rights. This included participation in United Nations conferences on the Law of the Sea, where crucial issues regarding the delimitation of exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and the continental shelf were debated.

Conservation and sustainability:

Although to a lesser extent compared to other issues, his administration also showed concern for the conservation and sustainable use of Colombia's marine and underwater resources. This included consideration of policies to protect marine biodiversity and ensure that exploitation of underwater resources was carried out responsibly.

He played a crucial role in the defense and definition of Colombia's marine and underwater areas. His leadership on sovereignty issues and his active participation in international forums helped establish and consolidate Colombia's maritime rights, in a period of significant global challenges and changes.

Alfonso López Michelsen and Panama:

Historic context:

He was president during a period in which Colombia faced various domestic and foreign policy issues. Relations with Panama, a neighboring country with which Colombia shares a long history, were part of his international agenda. the relationship between López Michelsen and Panama. It was characterized by cooperation and the peaceful resolution of differences, marking a period of strengthening bilateral relations between both countries.


Bilateral relations:

During his presidency, he worked to strengthen diplomatic and commercial relations with Panama. Cooperation on border issues and the fight against drug trafficking and smuggling were recurring topics on bilateral agendas.

In 1977, Colombia and Panama signed a maritime boundary agreement, known as the Liévano-Boyd Treaty, which was negotiated under his administration. This treaty helped resolve maritime boundary disputes in the Caribbean Sea.

Position on the Panama Canal:

Colombia's position regarding the Panama Canal and its transfer of control to the Panamanians was supportive, considering the importance of the sovereignty of Latin American countries over their strategic territories.

Diplomacy and trade:

He promoted bilateral trade and investment between Colombia and Panama: Trade policies and agreements signed during his presidency helped increase economic and cultural exchanges.

Alfonso López Michelsen and Venezuela:

Historic context:

In the 1970s, relations between Colombia and Venezuela were influenced by issues of borders, trade, and migration. Both countries shared a long land border, making it inevitable that bilateral issues would be a high priority.

Boundary Treaty:

During López Michelsen's presidency, significant efforts were made to resolve border disputes between Colombia and Venezuela. In 1978, both countries signed the Boundary and River Navigation Treaty, known as the López de Mesa-Gil Borges Treaty, which was fundamental for the delimitation of borders and the shared use of river resources.

Business relationships:

He promoted the strengthening of commercial relations with Venezuela. Several economic and commercial cooperation agreements were signed, which sought to increase the exchange of goods and services between the two countries. Economic integration was a major topic, with discussions about building joint infrastructure and border development projects.

Energy cooperation:

Energy cooperation was another crucial aspect of Colombian-Venezuelan relations during his mandate. Both countries discussed joint projects in the oil sector, given that Venezuela is an oil-rich country and Colombia also has significant energy resources.


Migration policies and the situation of Colombian migrants in Venezuela were important topics; He worked closely with the Venezuelan government to address immigration issues and improve conditions for Colombians living in Venezuela.

Diplomacy and conflict resolution:

He used diplomacy to manage and resolve any conflict that arose with Venezuela. Constant communication and diplomatic visits between the leaders of both countries were essential to maintain harmonious relations.

In summary, Alfonso López Michelsen worked to strengthen relations between Colombia and Venezuela through diplomacy, economic cooperation, and the resolution of border disputes. His focus on collaboration and mutual understanding contributed to a more stable and productive relationship between the two countries during his presidency.

During López Michelsen's presidency, significant efforts were made to resolve border disputes between Colombia and Venezuela. In 1978, both countries signed the Boundary and River Navigation Treaty, known as the López de Mesa-Gil Borges Treaty, which was fundamental for the delimitation of borders and the shared use of river resources.

Business relationships:

He promoted the strengthening of commercial relations with Venezuela. Several economic and commercial cooperation agreements were signed, which sought to increase the exchange of goods and services between the two countries. Economic integration was a major topic, with discussions about building joint infrastructure and border development projects.

Energy cooperation:

Energy cooperation was another crucial aspect of Colombian-Venezuelan relations during his mandate. Both countries discussed joint projects in the oil sector, given that Venezuela is an oil-rich country and Colombia also has significant energy resources.


Migration policies and the situation of Colombian migrants in Venezuela were important topics; He worked closely with the Venezuelan government to address immigration issues and improve conditions for Colombians living in Venezuela.

Diplomacy and conflict resolution:

He used diplomacy to manage and resolve any conflict that arose with Venezuela. Constant communication and diplomatic visits between the leaders of both countries were essential to maintain harmonious relations.

In summary, Alfonso López Michelsen worked to strengthen relations between Colombia and Venezuela through diplomacy, economic cooperation, and the resolution of border disputes. His focus on collaboration and mutual understanding contributed to a more stable and productive relationship between the two countries during his presidency.

Death: He Died on July 11, 2007 in Bogotá, Colombia.

Conservation and sustainability:

Although to a lesser extent compared to other issues, his administration also showed concern for the conservation and sustainable use of Colombia's marine and underwater resources. This included consideration of policies to protect marine biodiversity and ensure that exploitation of underwater resources was carried out responsibly.

He played a crucial role in the defense and definition of Colombia's marine and underwater areas. His leadership on sovereignty issues and his active participation in international forums helped establish and consolidate Colombia's maritime rights, in a period of significant global challenges and changes.

Alfonso López Michelsen and Panama:

Historic context:

He was president during a period in which Colombia faced various domestic and foreign policy issues. Relations with Panama, a neighboring country with which Colombia shares a long history, were part of his international agenda. the relationship between López Michelsen and Panama. It was characterized by cooperation and the peaceful resolution of differences, marking a period of strengthening bilateral relations between both countries.


Bilateral relations:

During his presidency, he worked to strengthen diplomatic and commercial relations with Panama. Cooperation on border issues and the fight against drug trafficking and smuggling were recurring topics on bilateral agendas.

In 1977, Colombia and Panama signed a maritime boundary agreement, known as the Liévano-Boyd Treaty, which was negotiated under his administration. This treaty helped resolve maritime boundary disputes in the Caribbean Sea.

Position on the Panama Canal:

Colombia's position regarding the Panama Canal and its transfer of control to the Panamanians was supportive, considering the importance of the sovereignty of Latin American countries over their strategic territories.

Diplomacy and trade:

He promoted bilateral trade and investment between Colombia and Panama: Trade policies and agreements signed during his presidency helped increase economic and cultural exchanges.

Alfonso López Michelsen and Venezuela:

Historic context:

In the 1970s, relations between Colombia and Venezuela were influenced by issues of borders, trade, and migration. Both countries shared a long land border, making it inevitable that bilateral issues would be a high priority.

Boundary Treaty:

During López Michelsen's presidency, significant efforts were made to resolve border disputes between Colombia and Venezuela. In 1978, both countries signed the Boundary and River Navigation Treaty, known as the López de Mesa-Gil Borges Treaty, which was fundamental for the delimitation of borders and the shared use of river resources.

Business relationships:

He promoted the strengthening of commercial relations with Venezuela. Several economic and commercial cooperation agreements were signed, which sought to increase the exchange of goods and services between the two countries. Economic integration was a major topic, with discussions about building joint infrastructure and border development projects.

Energy cooperation:

Energy cooperation was another crucial aspect of Colombian-Venezuelan relations during his mandate. Both countries discussed joint projects in the oil sector, given that Venezuela is an oil-rich country and Colombia also has significant energy resources.


Migration policies and the situation of Colombian migrants in Venezuela were important topics; He worked closely with the Venezuelan government to address immigration issues and improve conditions for Colombians living in Venezuela.

Diplomacy and conflict resolution:

He used diplomacy to manage and resolve any conflict that arose with Venezuela. Constant communication and diplomatic visits between the leaders of both countries were essential to maintain harmonious relations.

In summary, Alfonso López Michelsen worked to strengthen relations between Colombia and Venezuela through diplomacy, economic cooperation, and the resolution of border disputes. His focus on collaboration and mutual understanding contributed to a more stable and productive relationship between the two countries during his presidency.

Death: He Died on July 11, 2007 in Bogotá, Colombia.


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