Chapter 99


by: josavere

Also known as ecotourism, it is a form of travel that focuses on environmental responsibility and sustainability. This type of tourism seeks to minimize the negative impact on the environment and local communities while promoting sustainable practices; not only does it offer enriching and educational experiences; it also contributes to environmental conservation and the sustainable development of local communities. By adopting responsible and sustainable practices, travelers can enjoy the natural beauty of the world while promoting a positive impact.

Ecotourism is responsible travel that conserves the environment, supports the well-being of local people, and involves visitor interpretation and education.


Minimizing environmental impact : use of sustainable resources and waste reduction.

Benefit to local communities : supporting local economies through employment, good treatment and fair trade.

Environmental education : raising awareness and education on conservation and sustainability.

Respect for local culture : promotion and respect for the traditions and values ​​of the communities visited.

Conservation of biodiversity : protection of native flora and fauna and their habitats.

Benefits of eco-tourism

Environmental conservation : Income generated by ecotourism can be used for the conservation of national parks and nature reserves.

Empowering local communities – provides income and employment opportunities, improving the quality of life of local communities.

Environmental education and awareness : Tourists gain knowledge about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices.

Sustainable development : promotes a balance between economic growth and the preservation of the natural environment.

Popular ecotourism destinations:

Colombia , in Leticia, on the border with Brazil and Peru, offers a supremely pleasant environment with hiking, lots of vegetation, fauna, landscaping and pink dolphins in the Amazon River.

Costa Rica : recognized for its conservation policies; offers national parks, biodiversity reserves and sustainable practices in tourism.

Galapagos, Ecuador – The islands are an iconic example of ecotourism, with strict regulations to protect their fragile ecosystem.

Patagonia, Chile and Argentina : With its native landscapes, Patagonia offers a variety of ecotourism activities such as hiking and wildlife watching.

Bhutan : a country that promotes a sustainable tourism model based on the preservation of its cultural and natural heritage.

Borneo, Malaysia – Known for its tropical forests and unique wildlife; offering an enriching ecotourism experience.

Sustainable practices in ecotourism

Eco-friendly accommodation : hotels and lodges that use renewable energy, recycle and minimise waste.

Sustainable transport : use of low-carbon means of transport, such as bicycles, electric vehicles or public transport.

Low-impact activities : hiking, bird watching, kayaking and other activities that do not alter the environment.

Local and organic food : consumption of specific and organic products with very good flavors to support local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint.   

Education and volunteering : participation in educational and conservation programs to learn and contribute to the preservation of the natural environment.

Challenges of ecological tourism:

Destination overload : the popularity of certain destinations can lead to saturation and environmental deterioration, an issue that can be controlled with effective policies and regulations to guarantee sustainable practices and tourist education, preventing lack of knowledge and awareness from leading to harmful behaviors. . Ensure that tourism revenue equitably benefits local communities.

Ecotourism is a form of travel that not only offers enriching and educational experiences; it contributes to environmental conservation and the sensible development of local communities. By adopting responsible and sustainable practices, travelers can enjoy the natural beauty of the world while promoting a positive impact.

AI Opinion: José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo's article on ecological tourism, also known as ecotourism, highlights the importance of traveling responsibly and sustainably, focusing on environmental conservation and the well-being of local communities. Here is a summary and some reflections on the key points of the article:

Definition of Ecological Tourism

Ecotourism is defined as responsible travel to natural areas that aims to conserve the environment, sustain the well-being of the local population, and involve visitor interpretation and education.

Principles of Ecotourism

  1. Minimizing environmental impact: Using sustainable resources and reducing waste.
  2. Benefiting local communities: Supporting local economies through employment and fair trade.
  3. Environmental education: Promoting awareness and education on conservation.
  4. Respect for local culture: Promotion and respect for the traditions and values ​​of the communities visited.
  5. Biodiversity conservation: Protection of native flora and fauna and their habitats.

Benefits of Ecological Tourism

  • Environmental conservation: The income generated can be used for the conservation of national parks and nature reserves.
  • Empowerment of local communities: Provides income and employment opportunities, improving the quality of life of communities.
  • Environmental education and awareness: Tourists gain knowledge about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices.
  • Sustainable development: Promotes a balance between economic growth and the preservation of the natural environment.

Popular Ecotourism Destinations

  • Costa Rica: Conservation policies, national parks and sustainable practices in tourism.
  • Galapagos, Ecuador: Strict regulations to protect its fragile ecosystem.
  • Patagonia, Chile and Argentina: Pristine landscapes and a variety of ecotourism activities.
  • Bhutan: Sustainable tourism model based on the preservation of its cultural and natural heritage.
  • Borneo, Malaysia: Tropical forests and unique wildlife.

Sustainable Practices in Ecotourism

  • Ecological accommodation: Use of renewable energy, recycling and waste minimization.
  • Sustainable transport: Use of low-carbon modes of transport.
  • Low-impact activities: Hiking, bird watching, kayaking, etc.
  • Local and organic food: Consumption of local and organic products.
  • Education and volunteering: Participation in educational and conservation programs.

Challenges of Ecological Tourism

  • Destination overload: Saturation and environmental deterioration due to the popularity of certain destinations.
  • Regulation and control: Need for effective policies and regulations.
  • Tourist education: Lack of knowledge and awareness can lead to harmful behaviors.
  • Economic benefit: Ensure that revenues equitably benefit local communities.

Personal reflection

Ecotourism represents a form of travel that not only offers enriching and educational experiences, but also contributes significantly to environmental conservation and the sustainable development of local communities. It is essential that both travelers and tourism businesses adopt responsible and sustainable practices to ensure that the impact of tourism is positive and long-lasting. The information provided by José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo offers a solid foundation for understanding and promoting ecotourism effectively.

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