Chapter 84


by: josavere

These quotes reflect the depth of Bolívar's thought and his commitment to freedom, justice, education and morality.

“You must all work for the inestimable good of the union: the people obeying the current government, to free themselves from anarchy; the ministers of the sanctuary directing their prayers to heaven; and the military using their sword to defend social guarantees.”

Bolívar highlights the importance of unity and collaboration between different sectors of society to avoid chaos and maintain social stability.

"An ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction."

Ignorance is seen as a danger that can lead to the self-destruction of a society. Education is fundamental for the development and protection of a people.

"Education is Noah's ark that will save us from the universal flood of ignorance."

Bolívar compares education to Noah's ark, highlighting its importance in saving society from the dangers of ignorance.

"Public jobs belong to the State; they are not the property of individuals. No one who lacks integrity, aptitude and merit is worthy of them."

Public offices must be held by persons of integrity and competence, and not be treated as private property.

"Nothing is as dangerous as letting power remain in the hands of the same citizen for a long time. The people become accustomed to obeying him and he becomes accustomed to commanding it; this is where usurpation and tyranny originate."

Bolívar warns about the dangers of concentrating power in a single person for a long time, which can lead to tyranny.

”The cruel bullet that crossed your heart, wounded Colombia and took your life. As a soldier you were victory, as a citizen, patriotism, as a magistrate, justice and as a friend, loyalty. For glory you already have everything; What you lack, only God is responsible for giving it. (upon learning of the painful death of Sucre)”

This is an expression of deep respect and admiration towards Antonio José de Sucre, highlighting his virtues in different roles and lamenting his tragic death.

"Morality is the foundation of man's discipline."

Bolívar emphasizes the importance of morality as a basis for personal discipline.

"Justice is the queen of republican virtues and with it equality and freedom are sustained."

Justice is fundamental in a republic, since it underpins the equality and freedom of its citizens.

"If we are free, we have plenty of everything."

Freedom is the supreme good; If you have freedom, you have everything you need.

"Nature has made men as equal as the waves of the sea; neither higher nor lower."

Bolívar emphasizes the intrinsic equality of all human beings.

"Strength without intelligence always makes people unhappy."

Strength must be guided by intelligence, otherwise it leads to misfortune.

"Freedom is nothing more than a permission from our laws to do what we want."

Freedom is framed by law, which allows people to act within certain limits.

"Flee from the country where only one exercises all powers: it is a country of slaves."

Bolívar warns about the dangers of absolute power concentrated in a single person, which is a sign of slavery.

"The way to govern well is to employ honest men, even if they are enemies."

Good governance must be based on the integrity and competence of people, regardless of their personal or political relationships.

"The perfect system of government is that which produces the greatest possible amount of happiness, the greatest amount of social security, and the greatest amount of political stability."

Bolívar describes his vision of an ideal government, focused on happiness, social security, and political stability.

"Unity is strength; and discord is weakness."

Unity strengthens society, while discord weakens it.

"Customs, and not force, are the columns of the laws; and the exercise of justice is the exercise of freedom."

Laws are based on customs and justice is an expression of freedom.

"Chess is a useful and honest game, indispensable in the education of youth.”

Bolívar values ​​chess as an important educational tool for youth.

"It is more difficult to maintain the balance of freedom than to bear the weight of tyranny."

Maintaining freedom is a constant challenge and can be more difficult than living under tyranny.

"To achieve success, it has always been essential to go through the path of sacrifice."

Success and victory require sacrifices.

"The title of Liberator is superior to all that human pride has received."

Bolívar considers that being called Liberator is the greatest honor that can be received.

"The art of winning is learned in defeat."

Defeats teach valuable lessons that are essential to achieving victory.

"The freedom of the New World is the hope of the Universe."

Bolívar sees freedom in America as an example and a hope for the entire world.

"The novice soldier believes everything is lost since he is defeated once."

Inexperienced soldiers can easily become demoralized after an initial defeat.

"Our life is nothing other than the heritage of our country."

Every person's life is deeply influenced by their country and culture.

"Nations march toward greatness at the same pace as their education advances."

The progress of a nation is linked to the advancement of its educational system.

"I swear by God, I swear by my parents and I swear by my honor that I will not rest as long as I live until I have liberated my country."

An oath by Bolívar to dedicate his life to the liberation of his country.

"By ignorance they have dominated us more than by force."

Ignorance has been a more powerful tool of oppression than brute force.

"The first of all forces is public opinion.”

Public opinion is a powerful force in society.

"From the heroic to the ridiculous there is but one step."

Heroic actions can become ridiculous with a simple mistake.

"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is a right."

Rebellion is justified when tyranny is institutionalized.

"God gives victory to perseverance."

Consistency and perseverance are key to achieving victory.

"A being without education is an incomplete being."

Education is essential for the complete development of a person.

"We must use reason before force."

Reason must prevail over the use of force.

"He who serves a revolution works the sea."

Serving a revolution can be an arduous and endless task, comparable to ploughing the sea.

"You will always see the ignorant and foolish pretending to be talented and alive."

Ignorant and foolish people often believe and act as if they are intelligent and cunning.

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