Chapter 91


by: josavere

Eagles are fascinating birds, known for their keen vision, graceful flight, and hunting prowess. Beyond admiring their physical beauty, we can also learn a lot from their behavior and lifestyle from their keen vision and resilience to their ability to fly freely and hunt strategically. Observing their behavior instills them to be excellent in various aspects of life:


Keen Vision : They have extraordinarily keen vision, allowing them to spot prey from great heights; it teaches us the importance of having clear vision and focusing on our goals and objectives in existence.


Strength and resilience : They are strong and resilient; they face challenges bravely; They frequently build their nests in high and difficult to reach places, showing their ability to adapt and overcome obstacles. They inspire us to be resilient in the face of adversity and to move forward with determination.


Free Flight : Known for their majestic flight, they remind us of the importance of freedom and exploration in our lives. They teach us to rise above earthly concerns and seek new perspectives.


Strategic hunting : They are expert hunters who use clever tactics to catch their prey. They show us the importance of patience, observation and strategic planning in achieving our goals.


Family Care – Although eagles are powerful predators, they have a tender side when it comes to caring for their young. They teach us about the value of caring for and protecting our loved ones.


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There is much to learn from them because they are a marvel of nature. They have extraordinary memory capacity and fascinating complex social behaviour. They live in family groups led by an older female, demonstrating the importance of family bonding and cooperation in their society. In addition, their role in the ecosystem, as seed dispersers and habitat creators, is essential to maintaining the health of the ecosystems where they live. We can also learn about empathy and care between members of the herd, as well as their intelligence in solving problems and adapting to different environments.

A differentiating aspect of elephants is their extraordinary memory; They have been observed to have a remarkable ability to remember places, migration routes, water sources and other important details of their environment, over long periods of time, even decades, allowing them to adapt to changes in the landscape and remember location. of key resources in large and changing environments.

Their complex social system is also very distinctive; they live in close-knit family groups with strong social bonds between members of the pack, conspicuous by their cooperative behavior, mutual care, and the way they communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations, gestures, and chemical signals.

They are landscape architects; they have a significant impact on their environment as they can fell trees, create clearings in the forest and dig holes to access groundwater. Activities that not only modify the landscape, but create habitats for other species and aid in seed dispersal, making them key ecological engineers in their ecosystems.

In short, elephants teach us valuable lessons about the importance of family, collaboration, adaptation and respect for nature.




They have suggestive characteristics and behaviors that teach us valuable lessons:

Teamwork : They live in packs where each member has specific roles, teaching us the importance of working as a team to achieve common goals.


Respect for hierarchy : In a pride of lions, there is a clear hierarchy, reminding us of the importance of respecting authority and structure in social settings.


Resilience and adaptability : They face constant challenges in their environment, from hunting to competition for territory; Their ability to adapt and persevere in difficult situations inspires us to do the same in our own lives.


Family care : Despite being fierce predators, they reveal a keen care and protection towards their pack and their young, highlighting the importance of family and mutual support.


Patience and strategy : They patiently wait for the right moment to hunt, teaching us the importance of patience and strategic planning in achieving our goals.


Non-verbal communication – They use a variety of gestures and vocalizations to communicate with each other, reminding us that non-verbal communication plays an important role in human interactions.



The fascinating and complex nature of these marine mammals offers many opportunities to reflect on our own behavior and lifestyle because they teach us:


Effective Communication : They are known for their elaborate communication system; By observing them, you can learn about clear and effective communication.


Teamwork : They usually hunt in coordinated groups, demonstrating the importance of teamwork and collaboration to achieve common goals.


Adaptation to the environment : They are very adaptable and can live in a variety of marine environments. Learning from their ability to adapt helps them cope with the challenges and changes that come our way.


Play and fun : Dolphins are known for their playful behavior; Learning to incorporate minutes of play and fun into your life can improve well-being and creativity.


Respect for the environment : they are important indicators of the health of the oceans; Observing how they interact with their environment inspires us to care for and protect the environment.


Emotional Intelligence : Dolphins have been shown to have high emotional intelligence; observing how they interact with each other teaches the importance of interpersonal relationships and caring for others.




They teach us life; They are silent teachers to instruct on communication, trust, resilience, leadership and connection to the present moment.


Effective Leadership: Observing the dynamics of a horse herd teaches us about effective leadership; we learn the importance of setting clear boundaries, being firm but fair, and leading with integrity and authenticity.


Trust and mutual respect: To establish a successful relationship with a horse, it is essential to build trust and mutual respect, teaching us the importance of patience, consistency and empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Live in the present moment: they are animals very aware of the present moment; They teach you to put aside worries about the past and the future to fully enjoy every moment.


Non-verbal communication: they are experts in non-verbal communication; They teach us to pay attention to gestures, expressions and body postures to better understand others and communicate effectively.


Resilience and adaptability: They are resilient creatures that can adapt to a variety of environments and situations; they teach us the importance of being flexible and adapting to life's changes with grace and determination.


Listening and Sensitivity: They are very sensitive to subtle cues and teach us the importance of listening and responding to the needs of others in an empathetic and compassionate manner.


DOGS teach valuable lessons about loyalty, unconditional love, gratitude and living in the present moment; they are excellent life teachers, teaching important lessons to live more fully, lovingly and committedly, such as:

Loyalty : They are known for their unwavering loyalty to their masters; they teach the importance of being there for others and keeping our commitments. 

Unconditional love : they love without conditions; They teach us to accept others as they are and to express our love without expecting anything in return. 

Gratitude : They are masters at appreciating the little things in life, like a walk in the park or a simple gesture of kindness; they remind us of the importance of being grateful for what we have. 

Living in the present moment : they do not worry about the past or worry about the future. They live fully in the moment, enjoying each experience to the fullest; They teach us to be more aware and enjoy life here and now. 

Perseverance and resilience : They are persistent in pursuing what they want, whether it be a toy or a goal; they are incredibly resilient, overcoming challenges and adapting to new situations with determination. 


They teach us both in terms of behavior and its adaptability to the environment. Watching birds teaches valuable lessons about teamwork, appreciation for beauty, survival and freedom. 

Resilience and adaptability : They are masters at adapting to different environments and climatic conditions; they teach the importance of being flexible and adapting to changes in our lives. 

Teamwork : Many species of birds, such as pelicans or swallows, work as teams to build nests, hunt prey, or migrate.
reminding us of the importance of collaboration and mutual support. 

Appreciation of beauty : they show us beauty in various shapes and colors; They teach you to appreciate nature and find beauty in the little things in life. 

Survival instinct : they are experts at searching for food and protecting themselves from predators; Their survival instinct reminds us of the importance of being prepared and cautious in dangerous situations. 

Freedom and exploration : they are symbols of independence and search; They inspire you to explore new experiences and adventures in life. 

BEES: They are powerful teachers that offer valuable lessons about teamwork, dedication, efficiency, respect for the environment and adaptability ;with precious teachings, both about nature and about life in general:

Teamwork and cooperation : They live in highly organized colonies where each individual plays a specific role in the well-being of the hive; they instruct the importance of teamwork and how collaboration can lead to collective success. 

Dedication and diligence : They are known for their laborious collection of nectar and pollen to feed the hive; they show the importance of being dedicated and persistent in achieving our goals. 

Efficiency and planning : They are masters of efficiency, optimizing their time and resources to maximize honey production and hive growth; They remind us of the importance of planning and intelligent management of our resources. 

Respect for the environment they are essential pollinators for most crops and wild plants. They teach us the importance of caring for and preserving the environment to guarantee the health and diversity of ecosystems. 

Adaptability : They have evolved to adapt to a wide range of environments and climatic conditions. They inspire us to be flexible and adapt to changes in our lives and environments.

Ants : They teach about teamwork, organization, and persistence. Despite their small size, they can achieve great things when they work together in a coordinated manner. 

Cats : They teach us about independence, curiosity, and    self-exploration. They also show us the importance of taking care of ourselves and finding moments of tranquility in our lives. 

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