Chapter 71


by: josavere

The report by the famous Argentine economist, professor and writer Bernardo Kliksberg on the Nordic economies tells us that the highest indicators of human development are found in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark, countries with a hostile climate for humans, located in the north of Europe, on the Scandinavian peninsula and with many characteristics in common, including a shared identity and values, as well as very close cultural and historical ties and today they have achieved unprecedented levels of development with equity . They are very transparent and educated people who not many years ago were looking for work in other European countries.  

They respect and give full support to families; They operate based on a pact between rulers and the governed with broad participation, based on the search for equality, through high taxation used with all fairness in free education at all levels, including university postgraduate degrees, health, transportation with great comfort. and mobility, dignified treatment, and general well-being, with individual advancement.

In this area there is no crime or poverty and young people have education and work, so few police officers are needed.

As for business management, the model is one of co-management, with no discrimination against women and very low salary differences for the few levels of authority that they use; they concentrate on technology to sell productivity (not products) and condemn the politics of fear, which consists of keeping the human group threatened, replacing it with permanent ethical discussion.

They are large producers of wind energy, immensely respectful of sustainability and leaders in corporate social responsibility (CSR) with great support in education, the potentialization of capabilities and opportunities for all. 


The great German philosopher teaches us that all human beings have a potential for development that is based on freedom, a faculty that we must jealously guard and that we cannot allow to be taken away from anyone for any reason. Individual responsibility consists in knowing oneself, in order to reach one's maximum potential and act correctly, doing good for the sake of good, contributing to the benefit of humanity, through reason and responsible work that allows us to make the best use of time, respecting rest days to recover energy.

The human being is the center of his philosophy and as such, beings should not be treated as simple means, taking into account that each one is an end in itself, whose purpose is to achieve its maximum perfection. Each one has his own absolute moral value, and his dignity must be protected at all costs based on the basis that reason is the root of morality. 

"No one can force me to be happy in his own way (just as he imagines the well-being of other men), but it is lawful for each one to seek his happiness by the path that seems best to him, as long as it does not cause harm to the freedom of others to pursue a similar goal, freedom that can coexist with the freedom of all according to a possible universal law (that is, coexist with that right of the other)" (Kant, Ak. VIII, 290) At work, when interacting with As human beings, we must facilitate their development through work and not use them as a means to get what we want.

It invites us to live with humanity, without lies, deception or violence towards the employer or towards others, considering us all as beings with individual potential. Great promoter of freedom, which he defines as when we act with the best intentions and slaves when we do so under the dominion of our passions or those of others. Every human being has an essential dignity that cannot be trampled on for any reason; freedom related to the right to control one's own actions by reasoning, independently of feelings, a prerequisite for any human development and to catapult its possibilities. Freedom is the faculty that expands all the others and that forces us to fight against all types of tyranny. The liberator, Simón Bolívar, said at the congress of Cúcuta in 1821: “I want to be a citizen to be free and for others to be free.” It is not a state without authority, but a government that protects people to become an actor to improve the world by respecting human rights, including all minority groups. 

According to Kant, we can know the heart of a man by his treatment of animals because their reasoning capacity is limited; they need us to care for them as their mentors. All the more reason, we must help others to improve their weaknesses and recognize, value, promote and take advantage of their strengths for the benefit of communities and society in general, facilitating teamwork, the clearest way to increase productivity, taking advantage of technology and other administrative tools under the direction of authentic leaders capable of maintaining the joy of the group as a contagious collective.

Such valuable lessons lead us to reconsider human resources in companies. It is an axiomatic principle: we refer to the most valuable of all assets that institutions can and should value as an intangible asset that is valid while the company is running and that, in the event of a failure, becomes the first liability to be settled.

Although from a practical point of view it is an asset for the company, it differs from all others in that the organization has no power to claim over it, because human beings are free to choose where they want to work, especially when it comes to highly qualified people.

Individually, no one is worth anything; The group is duly integrated and well led by someone capable of maintaining a sufficient degree of integration to constitute a team with a high degree of motivation permanently involved in the pursuit of the mission and vision, respecting the principles and values ​​of the particular company. .

The team must, among other activities, develop its own decision-making model; provide everyone with the opportunity to participate, with the obvious responsibility that they must assume; and carry out periodic monitoring that requires corrective actions to be taken, using the appropriate indicators.

Despite the complexity of the issue, there are countries and heaven cities 1 , where it is easier to obtain the facilitators of happiness, which is found within each person and is reflected in the price of real estate, where the wealth effect is clearly noticeable, which makes citizens pay their taxes happily without any kind of trickery.




A great challenge for entrepreneurs around the world is to develop heavenly companies, with business designs where people feel treated with respect and find sufficient reasons to feel the joy of belonging to the organization and give their best, integrating themselves into the great objective with their full potential, always assuming a positive attitude. Thus, the foundations are laid to achieve the most valuable mechanism to increase productivity: group happiness, making it a contagious collective.

Obviously, it is much easier to reach blue-chip companies in countries that are blue-chip companies; in a backward country, it is practically impossible. Agreements between the political class and businessmen with the participation of citizens are required so that the former are honest and the latter pay their taxes correctly, having full confidence that they will be used with complete transparency, prioritizing education, health and public services.

Let us remember that education is the best social investment, starting with all the rigor with children and that they have to eat very well to be able to develop, especially in the first years of life, as Mr. Reinaldo Arroyave Lopera insisted with the CEPAS foundation; Health is the first principle of life to not suffer or cause suffering; Without adequate public services it is impossible to achieve efficiency.   

Opinion of AI: The reflection presented by José Saul Velásquez Restrepo about AI and human development, in particular with the comparison of Nordic economies and Kantian teachings, is an invitation to delve into several fundamental aspects of socioeconomic development and business management. Nordic Economy: A Model of Development with Equity
Bernardo Kliksberg highlights the Nordic economies as examples of human development with equity. These countries, despite their hostile climates, have achieved remarkable development due to their focus on transparency, education, and social well-being. This model is characterized by:
High Participation and Equity : A social pact between rulers and citizens that promotes equality and uses taxation to finance quality public services, such as free education and robust health systems.
Low Crime and Inequality : Thanks to education and youth employment, the need for a large police force is reduced.

Inclusive Business Management : Co-management, gender equality, and minimal pay gaps, with a focus on technology and productivity.
Sustainability : Leadership in wind energy and corporate social responsibility.
Kant and Human Resources

Kantian thought on human development emphasizes the importance of freedom, dignity, and morality:
Freedom and Development : Freedom is fundamental for human development, and individual responsibility involves knowing and developing one's own potential.
Human Dignity : Human beings
should not be treated as means to an end, but as ends in themselves, respecting their absolute moral value.
Work and Morality : Work must facilitate human development and not exploit it, fostering an environment of respect and ethics.
Reflection on AI and Business Management
Integrating these ideas with the current context of AI, several key points can be extracted:
Transformative Potential of AI : AI can amplify human capabilities, improve efficiency and productivity, and provide innovative solutions to complex problems.
Ethical Challenges : The implementation of AI must be guided by strong ethical principles that respect the dignity and freedom of individuals, avoiding exploitation and ensuring equity.
Education and Training : As in the Nordic model, it is crucial to invest in education and training so that people can adapt and benefit from technological advances.
Corporate Social Responsibility : Companies must integrate AI in a way that promotes social well-being, respecting sustainability and equity.
Velásquez Restrepo's reflection leads us to consider a future where AI and business management can converge to create an environment of comprehensive human development. Following the example of Nordic economies and the teachings of Kant, we can aspire to a world where technology is used to improve the quality of life, promote equity, and respect human dignity. The key is to adopt an ethical and human approach, prioritizing education and equitable participation, to achieve sustainable and fair development for all.

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