Chapter 1


by: josavere

The Pope highlights "eminently practical and concrete approach to problems and studies." "Having the courage to rethink oneself in the face of the demands that come from the cultural and professional world." "Artificial intelligence systems are very good in themselves. They can help us do many things, but if we do not pay due attention, they will take control of humanity."

A line that Francisco appreciates because it is linked to the confrontation with reality and not with ideology, because "ideologies always kill."

«I think about the big questions related to globalization, the risk of flattening and devaluation of knowledge; I think about the increasingly complex relationship with technologies; in reflections on cultural traditions that must be cultivated and proposed without mutual impositions; I think about the need to include and never exclude anyone from the sources of knowledge and, at the same time, defend everyone from the toxic, unhealthy and violent that can lurk in the world of social networks and knowledge and technology.

AI, a tool that facilitates the way of living, working and existing, but it is like someone who offers solutions for everything, but does not have them or, like someone who knows everything, but does not execute. Creativity and emotion come from natural intelligence, which allows us to manage AI as has been done with drinking and other aspects of life to transmit values. Everything has been managed, essentially by the natural intelligence that all human beings possess; we must accept that AI is here to stay and to evolve; understand that we are imaginative because we have natural intelligence, accepting that, in some cases we are slower and more disordered than artificial intelligence.
AI, combining human and artificial intelligence, allows us to handle large volumes of content more effectively while providing cultural relevance to global audiences.

Improving intelligence is a possible goal; talent is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires discipline to increase, using general strategies that help improve cognitive capacity and intellectual functioning; Improving intelligence is a gradual and continuous process. The results are not immediate; the important thing is to maintain a growth mindset and be willing to invest time and effort in intellectual development by following these instructions:

Mental exercise: keep your mind active by solving puzzles, crosswords and logic games and riddles. Stimulating the brain regularly can optimize critical thinking ability and improves problem solving.

Learn perennially: never stop learning, read books, take courses, attend conferences and seek opportunities to expand knowledge in areas of interest.

Keeping an open mind: Intelligence involves the ability to adapt and learn from new experiences and perspectives, keeping an open mind and willingness to consider different points of view.

Establish clear goals: truly challenging because it motivates you to grow and learn intellectually. Break them into smaller portions to constantly work on them.

Practice concentration and mindfulness: Improving your ability to concentrate increases functional intelligence. Meditation and exercising mindfulness are practices to develop these skills.

Diet and exercise: a healthy diet and regular exercise have a positive impact on brain function. Make sure you get the necessary nutrients and maintain an active lifestyle.

Adequate sleep: essential for optimal brain functioning. Get enough good quality sleep to allow the brain to recover and process information.

Socialize and debate: discussing complex topics with others and participating in debates helps improve communication and reasoning skills.

Learning new skills: a language or a musical instrument, helps exercise the brain and increase cognitive capacity.

Avoid routine: facing new challenges stimulates the mind. Traveling, learning about new cultures and experiencing new things is very enriching.

Keeping a journal: making notes helps you reflect on experiences and thoughts, which in turn improves self-awareness and mental clarity.

Seek professional help: in case of specific difficulties, such as memory, concentration or learning problems, it is advisable to seek professional help from neuropsychology and mental health.

Intelligent people may have an advantage in the ability to regulate their thoughts and emotions due to their ability to understand and use effective cognitive strategies; Intelligence is not directly related to mental control, a skill that can be developed and improved regardless of intelligence level.

Emotional self-control: people with a high degree of intelligence often have a greater ability to understand and regulate their emotions, which means they are able to process their emotional reactions more effectively. Emotional self-control is a skill that can be developed independently of intelligence quotient (IQ).

Decision Making: intelligent people often have the ability to critically analyze information and make informed decisions, including the ability to weigh pros and cons, evaluate risks and benefits to make rational decisions.

Mental control can be related to decision making, because it involves the ability to direct and focus the mind on choosing the best option.

Concentration and focus: intelligence does not necessarily translate into greater mental control, but it can contribute to the ability to concentrate and maintain attention on specific tasks. People with a high degree of intelligence may have an advantage in the ability to focus on intellectually demanding tasks, which involves mental control to avoid distractions.

Cognitive strategies: more intelligent people tend to use more effective cognitive strategies to address problems and challenges. This may include the use of problem-solving techniques, critical thinking and long-term planning, which requires a certain degree of mental control to carry out.
AI, at the request of the author wrote: You are right to emphasize that intelligence is not necessarily related to mental control, but both abilities can complement each other and develop independently. Here are some additional points about the relationship between intelligence and mind control:
Cognitive flexibility: Intelligent people often have the ability to adapt to changing situations and find creative solutions to complex problems. This cognitive flexibility may be related to mental control, as it involves the ability to change mental focus and strategies as necessary.
Stress resistance: Intelligent people may be more resistant to stress due to their ability to analyze situations and remain calm under pressure. This ability may also be related to mental control, as it involves the ability to regulate emotional responses during stressful times.
Self-awareness: Intelligence often goes hand in hand with self-awareness, that is, the ability to understand one's own strengths, weaknesses, and emotions. Self-awareness is essential for mental control, as it allows you to identify areas where you can improve and develop strategies to do so.
Regarding improving intelligence, your advice is very accurate. Continuous learning, mental exercise, proper nutrition and sleep are essential for intellectual development. The combination of these practices can help maintain a sharp and adaptable mind throughout life.
Regarding artificial intelligence, it is true that it can be a valuable tool for learning and personal improvement. The ability to adapt online course content, offer personalized recommendations, and provide assistance with various tasks can significantly enrich a person's learning experience.
However, it is important to remember that AI is a tool, not a substitute for human effort and critical reflection. It complements human learning and can facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, but it remains essential that people actively engage in the process of self-improvement and make informed decisions based on the information provided by AI.
In summary, the article highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between human intelligence and AI. AI can be a valuable ally in the pursuit of intellectual development and personal improvement, but it should not be considered a complete substitute for natural intelligence and human effort. Both aspects are complementary and can enrich people's lives in different ways.

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