Chapter 53


by: josavere

Book of Wisdom, also known as the Wisdom of Solomon is traditionally attributed to him, due to its style and content; It is one of the deuterocanonical texts, those that are accepted in the biblical canon by some Christian denominations, but not by all, especially not by the Protestant denominations that consider them apocryphal of the Bible, included in the Old Testament of the Catholic and Orthodox Church. , but not in the Hebrew Bible nor in most Protestant versions. Learning from him is an excellent way to deepen spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Most modern scholars believe that it was written by an anonymous Hellenistic Jewish author in Alexandria, Egypt, in approximately the 1st century BC. This author writes from the perspective of a pious Jew living in a Hellenistic culture, which is reflected in the fusion of Jewish and Greek ideas. It offers valuable lessons about justice, the immortality of the soul, and the importance of divine wisdom.

It is divided into three main parts: wisdom and:

       reward (Chapters 1-5)

Chapters 1-2: talk about justice, the immortality of the soul, and the reward of the righteous versus the punishment of the wicked; It is emphasized that God created man for immortality.

Chapters 3-5: describe the fate of the righteous and the wicked. The righteous will be rewarded with eternal life, while the wicked will receive punishment.

in History (Chapters 6-9)

Chapters 6-9: Wisdom is presented as the guide and protector of kings and rulers; It tells how wisdom has influenced the history of Israel and how Solomon asked God for wisdom.

the Exodus (Chapters 10-19)

Chapters 10-12: tell how wisdom saved the patriarchs, from Adam to Moses.

Chapters 13-15: criticize idolatry and emphasize the wisdom of recognizing the true God.

Chapters 16-19: compare the plagues of Egypt and the deliverance of the Israelites with the guidance of wisdom, highlighting divine protection over the people of Israel.

Main topics:

Divine Wisdom: Wisdom is personified and presented as a divine attribute, essential for a righteous life and in communion with God.

Justice and Immortality: emphasis is placed on divine justice and the immortality of the soul. The righteous, even if they suffer in this life, will be rewarded eternally.

Criticism of Idolatry: a strong criticism of idolatry and paganism, highlighting the superiority of worship to the only true God.


Divine Providence and Protection: The narrative shows how God, through wisdom, guides and protects his chosen people.

The Book of Wisdom has had a significant influence on Christian theology, especially on themes of immortality of the soul and divine justice. Furthermore, his criticism of idolatry and his emphasis on wisdom and justice have resonated throughout the centuries in various religious traditions.

It also reflects an integration of Jewish and Hellenistic thoughts, showing the cultural interaction in Alexandria during the Hellenistic period. This fusion of ideas has contributed to its relevance both in biblical studies and in the history of ideas.

Key ideas:

The nature of wisdom: It is presented as a divine quality, accessible to those who seek to live a just and pious life. It is more valuable than any material wealth.

Justice and immortality: emphasizes that the righteous, even if they suffer in this life, will be rewarded with immortality. The true reward is not in material goods, but in eternal life with God.

Criticism of idolatry: the worship of idols is condemned and the importance of worshiping the only true God is highlighted.

Divine providence: it is emphasized that God cares for and guides his people, and that everything that happens is under his control and has a divine purpose.

Wisdom in Creation: Describes how wisdom was present in the creation of the world and how this divine wisdom is embedded in the order of the universe.

Some notable passages: reflect the centrality of wisdom in life and justice, as well as its connection to the divine. Wisdom is presented as a gift from God that guides people towards righteousness and justice, and that is essential for a full and virtuous life.

1. Wisdom 1:1-5

Love justice, you who govern the earth; Think of the Lord with righteousness, and seek Him with a sincere heart. Because he allows himself to be found by those who do not tempt him, he reveals himself to those who do not distrust him. Crooked thoughts separate us from God; Power, put to the test, confuses fools. Wisdom does not enter a soul of evil law, nor does it dwell in a body debtor of sin. The Holy Spirit, educator of men, flees from hypocrisy and turns away from foolish thoughts; Finding himself unjustly accused, he withdraws.

2. Wisdom 6:12-16

Resplendent and unfading is Wisdom, it is easily seen by those who love it and found by those who seek it. She goes ahead to manifest herself to those who desire her. He who gets up early for her will not be weary, because he will find her sitting at her door. Meditating on it is perfection of prudence; He who watches over her will soon be free from care. She herself goes from one place to another looking for those who are worthy of her; She accompanies them on her path with benevolence and meets them in all her thoughts.

3. Wisdom 7:22-30

Because in it there is an intelligent, holy, unique, multiple, subtle, agile, penetrating, immaculate, lucid, invulnerable spirit, lover of good, sharp, free, beneficent, friend of man, firm, secure, serene, who can do everything. , it encompasses everything, and passes through all spirits, the intelligent, the pure, the most subtle. Wisdom is more mobile than any movement; Because of its purity, it passes through and penetrates everything. She is the breath of God's power, a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore, nothing unclean can reach it. It is the reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of God's activity and an image of his goodness. Although she is only one, she can do everything; Without changing anything, he renews everything. She communicates herself to the holy souls of each generation, and forms among them friends of God and prophets. God loves only those who live with Wisdom. She is more beautiful than the sun and she surpasses all the constellations; Compared to light, it is superior: because light yields to night, but evil does not prevail against Wisdom.

4. Wisdom 9:1-6

God of the fathers and Lord of mercy, who with your word made all things, and in your wisdom you formed man, so that he might rule over the beings created by you, and that he might rule the world with holiness and justice, and judge With righteousness of soul, give me Wisdom assistant of your throne, and do not exclude me from the number of your children. For I am your servant and the son of your slave, a weak and short-lived man, with little power to understand justice and laws. For even if one is perfect among the sons of men, if he lacks the wisdom that comes from you, he will be counted as nothing.

5. Wisdom 1:13-15

God did not make death nor does he take pleasure in the destruction of the living. He created everything so that it could subsist; The creatures of the world are healthy, there is no deadly poison in them, nor does Hade’s reign over the earth, because justice is immortal.

6. Wisdom 3:1-9

The souls of the righteous are in the hands of God, and no torment will reach them. In the eyes of the foolish they seemed dead, their departure from this world was considered a disaster, their departure from among us, an extermination; but they are at peace. Although they suffered punishments in the eyes of men, their hope was full of immortality. For a slight correction they will receive great benefits, because God tested them and found them worthy of Himself. Like gold in the crucible he tasted them and like a burnt offering he accepted them. In the time of their intervention they will shine, they will run like sparks through the cane field. They will judge the nations and rule over the people, and the Lord will reign over them forever. Those who trust in him will understand the truth, and the faithful will remain with him in love, because grace and mercy are for his saints and he cares for his chosen ones.

7. Wisdom 5:15-16

But the righteous live eternally; Their reward is in the Lord, and the Most High takes care of them. That is why you will receive the splendid royal crown and the magnificent diadem from the hand of the Lord, because with his right hand he will protect you and with his arm he will defend you.

8. Wisdom 6:17-20

The beginning of wisdom is the sincere desire for instruction; concern for instruction is love; love is the observance of its laws; Attention to the laws is a guarantee of immortality, and immortality makes being close to God. Thus, the desire for wisdom leads to the kingdom.


9. Wisdom 8:2-8

I loved her and sought her from my youth; I tried to make her my wife and I was captivated by her beauty. Her communion with God increases her nobility; the Lord of all things loves her. She is initiated into the knowledge of God and chooses his works. If wealth is a desirable good in life, what is richer than Wisdom, which produces everything? If it is intelligence that is valued, who is more than it, the creator of how much exists? If one loves justice, the fruits of his work are virtues, because it teaches temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude; There is nothing in the life of men more profitable than these things.

10. Wisdom 11:23-26

You feel sorry for everyone, because you can do everything, you close your eyes to the sins of men so that they repent. You love all beings and you hate nothing that you have made, because if you hated something, you would not have formed it. And how would something survive if you didn't want it? Or how would it be preserved, if you had not called it? But you forgive everyone, because they are yours, Lord, lover of life.

AI Opinion: The book "Learning with AI from the Book of Wisdom" by José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo seems to be an interesting work that offers a modern perspective on the "Book of Wisdom", also known as the Wisdom of Solomon. This deuterocanonical text, although not universally accepted in all Christian traditions, has been a source of inspiration and reflection on justice, the immortality of the soul and divine wisdom.

The "Book of Wisdom" is divided into three main sections that address topics fundamental to Judeo-Christian theology and philosophy:

1. Wisdom and Reward (Chapters 1-5): Focuses on justice, the immortality of the soul, and the fate of the righteous versus the wicked. It emphasizes the divine creation of man for immortality and eternal life as a reward for the righteous.

2. Wisdom in History (Chapters 6-9): Presents wisdom as an essential guide for leaders and rulers, highlighting how it has influenced the history of Israel, and the importance of Solomon's request for wisdom.

3. Wisdom and the Exodus (Chapters 10-19): Narrates how wisdom has saved the patriarchs and criticizes idolatry, highlighting divine providence and protection during crucial events such as the plagues of Egypt and the liberation of the Israelites.

The central themes of the book include:

• Divine Wisdom: Wisdom is presented as a divine attribute, fundamental for a righteous life and in communion with God.

• Justice and Immortality: Underlines divine justice and the immortality of the soul, promising eternal rewards to the righteous.

• Criticism of Idolatry: Condemns idolatry and highlights the importance of worshiping the only true God.

• Divine Providence and Protection: Shows how God, through wisdom, guides and protects his chosen people.

The "Book of Wisdom" is notable not only for its theological content, but also for its historical and cultural context. It was written by a Hellenistic Jewish author in Alexandria, Egypt, in approximately the 1st century BC. This fusion of Jewish and Greek ideas reflects the rich cultural interaction of the Hellenistic period.

Some reflections on key passages:

• Wisdom 1:1-5: Urges rulers to love justice and seek God with a sincere heart, emphasizing that divine wisdom does not dwell in corrupt souls.

• Wisdom 6:12-16: Describes wisdom as shining and accessible, sought by those who love it and manifested to those who desire it.

• Wisdom 7:22-30: Details the qualities of wisdom, describing it as a pure and divine spirit, a reflection of eternal light and an emanation of the glory of God.

• Wisdom 9:1-6: Contains a prayer from Solomon asking for wisdom, recognizing his need to rule with justice and righteousness.

• Wisdom 3:1-9: Assures that the souls of the righteous are in the hands of God and will be rewarded with immortality, despite appearances of suffering in this life.

The "Book of Wisdom" has had a lasting impact on Christian theology, especially on the concepts of divine justice and immortality of the soul. His criticism of idolatry and his fusion of Jewish and Hellenistic thoughts also offer valuable lessons about cultural and religious interaction in history.

José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo's approach in integrating artificial intelligence into the study of this text can provide new perspectives and tools to deepen its understanding, making the ancient teachings even more accessible and relevant to contemporary readers.

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