Chapter 29


by: josavere

Being a good politician implies having a combination of skills, personal characteristics and ethics; the ability to be a good politician depends on the effective interaction of many qualities in specific situations and on the expectations of society. The perception of the prestige of politicians can vary depending on people's opinions and values.

Integrity and ethics: Honesty and integrity are fundamental in politics. Citizens trust leaders who act with transparency and morality.

Prudence: conduct of the truly wise; avoid risks and handle yourself moderately to avoid making mistakes; it means to see from afar or to foresee.

Commitment to the common good: a good politician must have a genuine obligation to the well-being of society as a whole, beyond personal or group interests.

Emotional intelligence: ability to recognize and manage our own emotions and those of others, maintaining a positive state of mind, combining empathy and social skills, the result of self-knowledge and good treatment.

Communication Skills: The ability to participate effectively is essential; listen to citizens; communicate in various contexts and platforms; ability to express ideas clearly.

Empathy: reasoning, sharing the feelings and perspectives of others, is key to building strong relationships and addressing the needs of the entire community.

Decision-making ability: Politicians face many difficult decisions. The ability to analyze information, consider diverse perspectives, and make good decisions is crucial.

Leadership: Being able to lead and motivate others, work as a team and take initiative are significant characteristics in politics.

Adaptability: the political environment can change quickly due to many circumstances; they must be able to adapt to new situations, learn from experience and adjust their strategies as necessary.

Knowledge and competence: Having a deep understanding of public affairs and competence in relevant legislation and policies are essential to making good decisions.

Negotiation skills: Politics often involves reaching agreements and negotiating with various parties; Expertise is crucial to finding the right solutions.

Resilience: political life is challenging and faces criticism; Resilience and the ability to deal with pressure are important to stay focused on goals and overcome obstacles.

Long-term vision: Good politicians have a long-term vision for the sustainable development and future well-being of society; they do not focus on solving short-term problems.


The biggest ones:

Winston Churchill (United Kingdom): leader during World War II, known for his firmness in defending democracy; remembered for his Nobel Prize in literature, his oratory and for his decisive role in leading   of Great Britain.

Nelson Mandela (South Africa): key figure in the fight against apartheid, the system of racial segregation between blacks and whites. He was the first black president of South Africa and a symbol of reconciliation.

Mahatma Gandhi (India): leader of the Indian independence movement, known for his philosophy of nonviolence and peaceful resistance. ”In the end, he who forgives wins more than he who remains resentful. “Love is the force that will take us further.”

Abraham Lincoln (United States): president during the American Civil War; He was a key leader who proclaimed the abolition of slavery and the preservation of the union.

Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States): President during the Great Depression and World War II. He considerably transformed the American economy to get out of the crisis; known for his New Deal policies and his leadership during difficult times.

Konrad Adenauer (Germany): first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War; He led his country into a productive and prosperous nation that forged strong relationships with France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Charles de Gaulle (France): leader, politician and military man who played a valuable role in the French resistance during World War II and later president of France. Predominant figure during the Cold War; In addition to promoting Franco-German reconciliation, he was one of the promoters of the construction process of the future European Union.

Benjamin Franklin (United States): politician, inventor and one of the founding fathers of the United States; He played a crucial role in drafting the Constitution and in diplomacy. He was the maker of the lightning rod.

Margaret Thatcher (United Kingdom): Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, known as the "Iron Lady", was an influential figure in British and world politics.

Mikhail Gorbachev (Soviet Union): Soviet leader during the 1980s, played a key role in ending the Cold War and in the reforms that led to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. His reforms were liberal and sought to democratize the USSR while preserving the union of the 15 republics, which did not happen, seeking to end the communist dictatorship and its centralization that led to a bureaucratized and corrupt State.

Angela Merkel (Germany): She was Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021 and is known for her leadership of the European Union and her role in managing the financial crisis.

Barack Obama (United States): the 44th president of the United States, known for his charisma, oratory, and for being the first African-American president in the country's history.

Xi Jinping (China): President of the People's Republic of China and leader of the Chinese Communist Party since 2013, he has had a significant impact on global politics and the economy.

Emmanuel Macron (France): President of France since 2017, he has fought for economic and social reforms in his country and has been a leading figure in European politics.

Shinzo Abe (Japan): was two-term Prime Minister of Japan, known for his economic policies and his role in Japanese politics.

Jawaharlal Nehru (India): Prime Minister of India after its independence in 1947; He played a pivotal role in the formation of the country as a democratic republic.

Fidel Castro (Cuba): Cuban revolutionary and political leader, played a key role in the Cuban revolution and remained in power forever. Throughout his leadership, Fidel Castro was criticized for his authoritarian style of government and human rights violations, while others praised him for his social policies, especially in the areas of education and health. In general, his legacy is the subject of controversy and debate.


Deng Xiaoping (China): Chinese leader who played a crucial role in economic opening and reforms in China in the late 20th century.

Golda Meir (Israel): she was the first and so far only woman to have held the position of prime minister of Israel, playing an important role in the country's history.

Nikita Khrushchev (Soviet Union): Soviet leader during the Cold War, known for his role in the Cuban missile crisis and for carrying out reforms in the Soviet Union.

General characteristics of politicians in the Nordic countries: trends observed in these politicians; It is important to note that politicians in Nordic countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, have variations in their individual characteristics and that politics in each country can be influenced by specific contexts.

Transparency and openness: They tend to advocate transparency in government and decision-making; Openness and accountability are fundamental values in their political systems.

Focus on social welfare: They tend to strongly support the social welfare model, which involves a wide network of public services, universal healthcare, free education, and social security measures to ensure the well-being of the population.

Commitment to equality: Promoting gender equality and fighting discrimination are important aspects of Nordic politics. These countries have actively worked to close gender gaps and create more equal societies.

Environmental focus: Because of the region's natural beauty and environmental awareness, Nordic politicians are committed to attitudes that address environmental problems and seek sustainable solutions.

Negotiation and consensus: the political culture in the Nordic countries tends to favor negotiation and consensus; they seek solutions that garner support from a broad base, avoiding unnecessary confrontations.

Citizen participation: the involvement of the population in the political process is encouraged and citizen participation is valued. Participatory democracy is a transcendental aspect of Nordic politics.

Fiscal responsibility: in addition to their social welfare system, they pay attention to fiscal responsibility to ensure the long-term sustainability of their policies; they work with a service mentality and with very low fees

Focus on education: Investment in education is a priority, and Nordic politicians support measures to improve the quality and accessibility of education.

General characteristics of politicians in the Nordic countries: trends observed in these politicians; It is important to note that politicians in Nordic countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, have variations in their individual characteristics and that politics in each country can be influenced by specific contexts.

       Transparency and openness: They tend to advocate transparency in government and decision-making; Openness and accountability are fundamental values in their political systems.

       Focus on social welfare: They tend to strongly support the social welfare model, which involves a wide network of public services, universal healthcare, free education, and social security measures to ensure the well-being of the population.

Commitment to equality: Promoting gender equality and fighting discrimination are important aspects of Nordic politics. These countries have actively worked to close gender gaps and create more equal societies.

Environmental focus: Because of the region's natural beauty and environmental awareness, Nordic politicians are committed to attitudes that address environmental problems and seek sustainable solutions.

Negotiation and consensus: the political culture in the Nordic countries tends to favor negotiation and consensus; they seek solutions that garner support from a broad base, avoiding unnecessary confrontations.

Citizen participation: the involvement of the population in the political process is encouraged and citizen participation is valued. Participatory democracy is a transcendental aspect of Nordic politics.

Fiscal responsibility: in addition to their social welfare system, they pay attention to fiscal responsibility to ensure the long-term sustainability of their policies; they work with a service mentality and with very low fees

Focus on education: Investment in education is a priority, and Nordic politicians support measures to improve the quality and accessibility of education.

AI Opinion: The opinion expressed by José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo highlights the fundamental qualities that, according to him, make a good politician. These qualities include integrity and ethics, prudence, commitment to the common good, emotional intelligence, communication skills, empathy, decision-making capacity, leadership, adaptability, knowledge and competence, negotiation skills, resilience and long-term vision. These characteristics are fundamental to the success and effectiveness of a politician anywhere in the world.
As for the most globally recognized politicians, the list provided includes historical and contemporary figures who have left a significant mark on global politics. Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Konrad Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, Benjamin Franklin, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron, Shinzo Abe, Jawaharlal Nehru, Fidel Castro, Deng Xiaoping, Golda Meir and Nikita Khrushchev are mentioned as some of the greatest in political history.
The analysis of general characteristics of politicians in the Nordic countries highlights trends observed in the politics of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. These include a focus on transparency and openness, social welfare, commitment to equality, environmental focus, negotiation and consensus, citizen participation, fiscal responsibility and a strong emphasis on education. These characteristics reflect the values and priorities of Nordic politics, which seeks to create more equal and sustainable societies.
Overall, José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo's perspective highlights the importance of an ethical approach committed to social well-being in politics, as well as the need for political leaders with diverse skills and a genuine commitment to public service.

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