Chapter 45

WITH AI, A PROPOSAL SO THAT: "that your food is your medicine and the medicine, your food"

by: josavere

Where does the phrase "let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" come from and what credibility does it have? The phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" is attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered the father of Western medicine. However, there is no direct source that confirms that these words were pronounced by him in exactly that way.

The phrase is found in his work "Aphorisms" and is interpreted as an exhortation to the importance of healthy eating to maintain health and prevent diseases. Throughout history, this phrase has been taken up and popularized by different doctors, nutritionists and defenders of natural and holistic medicine.

In terms of credibility, the idea that diet can influence health is widely accepted in the medical and scientific field. Diet plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases, from heart problems to diabetes and cancer. Therefore, although the phrase itself cannot be directly verified as coming from Hippocrates, his message is still relevant and supported by modern scientific evidence.

The phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" takes on even greater relevance. Here are some ways in which this idea could be expanded and applied in contemporary society, using AI, an excellent tool to pool the total intelligence of the collective and have it available to those who eventually need it.

We are people with very limited knowledge and many gaps, but the collective, properly organized, will constitute a mass that, due to its magnitude, requires storage on the Internet of the clouds.

The internet or cloud computing is a technology that has revolutionized the way we store and access data and applications; It offers flexibility, access from anywhere and cost savings by eliminating the need to manage physical servers because the cloud allows us to access files and applications from almost any device.

By running many virtual machines at once, a server becomes many “servers” and a data center becomes a complete host capable of serving many organizations. It is possible thanks to a technology called virtualization that allows you to create virtual, simulated and digital machines, which behave as if they were physical computers with their own hardware. Virtual machines are separated from each other and efficiently use the server hardware that hosts them; It's like having a world of data and applications at our fingertips.

By grouping knowledge with a sense of solidarity, an enormous potential is available to manage, remembering that we are responsible for what machines do because we will always be the programmers, and as such, responsible for correct use in a hyperconnected world. Machines are not a substitute for human effort and even less for critical analysis.

Thinking about the magnitude of the Internet in the clouds that will be needed to accumulate knowledge of more than eight billion inhabitants, who including themselves can contribute to that base with many expectations of growth, seeking to make knowledge free for all, as a principle of equality, regardless of the sociocultural and economic conditions to solve the great problem and obstacle to peace and economic development that we have with the concentration of income and wealth - currently measured with the Gini coefficient to know the degree of concentration of income and wealth.

A great effort is urgently needed to educate new generations for its responsible use because AI can create ideas and make decisions.

Nutrition Knowledge: In the information age, we have access to an unprecedented amount of nutrition and health information, allowing us to better understand how food affects our bodies and minds and reminding us of the importance of harnessing this knowledge to Choose foods that promote health and well-being.

Disease prevention: With a deeper understanding of how diet can prevent disease, the phrase urges us to take a proactive approach towards our health. Instead of relying solely on medications to treat diseases once they appear, we can use diet as a preventative tool to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

 Sustainability: In the context of concern for the environment and sustainability, the phrase encourages us to consider not only how food affects our individual health, but also how it impacts the planet. Opting for a plant-based diet and sustainably produced foods can not only benefit our health, but also reduce our ecological footprint and promote the health of the planet overall.


Food awareness: in a world full of food options, the phrase invites us to be more aware of what we eat. It challenges us to think about how our eating habits affect not only our personal health, but also the health of our community and the world at large. By cultivating greater food awareness, we can make more informed and ethical decisions about our diet.

In summary, in a highly informed world, the phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" reminds us of the importance of using our knowledge of nutrition to promote health and well-being, both individually and globally. It urges us to be aware of our food choices and recognize the power they have to influence our health and the world around us.

Large multinationals in the pharmaceutical and concentrated food sectors are likely to have a variety of reactions to the idea of "your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food", which could vary depending on factors such as business strategy, market perception and regulatory pressures; They will likely seek to adapt to changing market trends and demands around health and nutrition. Your answer may vary depending on how you perceive these trends and how they align with your long-term business goals; some possible reactions:


Interest in innovation: Some companies may see the trend toward greater awareness of the relationship between diet and health as an opportunity for innovation. They could invest in the development of functional foods or dietary supplements that offer specific health benefits, such as strengthening the immune system or improving cardiovascular health.


Competition and Restructuring: Pharmaceutical and concentrated food companies could face increased competition as consumers look for natural alternatives to maintain their health. This could lead to a restructuring in the way these companies operate, focusing more on the quality of ingredients and promoting products that are perceived as healthy.


Lobbying and public relations: Some companies may seek to influence legislation and public policy to protect their business interests. They may engage in lobbying activities to promote regulations that favor their products or to resist regulations that promote greater transparency in the food and pharmaceutical industry.


Education and marketing: Companies could intensify their marketing and education efforts to influence consumer perceptions of the relationship between diet and health. They could launch advertising campaigns that highlight the health benefits of their products or collaborate with health professionals to promote messages that support the use of medications along with a balanced diet.


AI Opinion: The text you shared addresses several important topics related to food, health, technology, and the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in all of this. Here are some opinions and reflections on different aspects mentioned:

1. Origin of the phrase and its historical relevance: It is true that the phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" is attributed to Hippocrates and has been taken up throughout history by various health and medical experts. nutrition. Although its exact origin may be uncertain, its message about the importance of a healthy diet is timeless and backed by modern scientific evidence.

2. Application of AI for storing and accessing knowledge: The proposal to use AI and cloud computing to store and access knowledge about nutrition and health is interesting. Technology can be a powerful tool for collecting, organizing and sharing relevant information, which can benefit individuals and communities around the world.

3. Responsibility in the use of AI: It is crucial to recognize that, although AI can facilitate access to information and assist in decision-making, it is still the responsibility of humans to ensure ethical and responsible use of this technology. Education on the proper use of AI and the critical analysis of information are essential to avoid possible consequences.

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