I have written these topics with the aim of helping to develop human talent with a critical attitude towards society and life, with an obsessive insistence on ethical and moral values ​​that, above merely economic results, should inspire the top management of the company, incorporating rectitude and transparency in its day to day. Making easy what is apparently too difficult, with the desire to contribute to the formation of a fully applicable theory in real life. It is a simple description, without therefore being able to talk about the lack of depth in any of the topics, which makes the text highly recommended for non-financial executives. Updated with the basic requirements to adapt to the valuable changes recommended by the Davos Forum in January/2020, speaking of CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM that defined the purpose of a company of the fourth industrial revolution: "involve all stakeholders in the generation of shared and sustained value, including local communities and society," in whose manifesto a single objective was set: to build a more sustainable and inclusive world taking advantage of the developments achieved with the DIGITAL REVOLUTION,  that forces to interact with the sciences and humanities.
The approach is eminently practical; it is based on a large number of elements of judgment to circumvent any situation that occurs in the business world and is applicable to personal finance. The documents are presented according to the recommended order of learning and the practical exercises are formulated in Excel.

It is an effort that I have made with great enthusiasm encouraged by many friends, who have helped me to mature and clarify concepts. There are so many that I cannot enumerate them and that is why I abstain from doing it so as not to be unfair, omitting a name due to involuntary forgetfulness. To all, my sincere thanks, on behalf of those who can take advantage of this these texts.
As a posthumous tribute, I want to mention four great teachers: my great teacher, Dr. Carlos Restrepo Dumit, for how much he encouraged me to write. To Don Reinaldo Arroyave Lopera, called the cacique by Dr. Ramón de Zubiría1, for his very valuable concepts and his masterful way of teaching; my father Emilio Velásquez López, who did so much with so few resources at his disposal, and my mother Inés Restrepo Giraldo, my best teacher.

Finance for non-financiers is the fruit of more than fifty years of experience of its director, JOSÉ SAÚL VELÁSQUEZ RESTREPO, working as an executive in companies of all types and varied sectors, complemented with more than thirty years as a professor at the universities of Rosario , Central and La Salle in Bogotá; National, Antioquia, Medellín and EAFIT in Medellín; in addition to many extension courses in the main cities of the country; advice and consulting, complemented with the feedback received from the interdisciplinary groups that he has been responsible for leading. Writing in a simple and practical language so that it can be understood by people without financial training who need this knowledge to improve their quality of life and for financiers as well, enriching them with the concepts of artificial intelligence (AI), focused on the mission, vision and values of the organization, encouraged to provide service, transmitting knowledge and experiences in simple language.


Develop human talent with a critical attitude towards society and life, with obsessive insistence on ethical and moral values that, above merely economic results, must inspire the company's senior management by incorporating righteousness and transparency in their day to day work. day. Facilitate financial knowledge with a practical approach, taking advantage of technological advances and in simple terms to make it available to the vast majority.


A work that allows learning in an analytical way and with practical applications for any type of company and for individuals; permanently updated and enriched with the contributions of users and experts who want to collaborate with the development of finance for the benefit of humanity.


Highlighting the ethical and moral principles of business, no matter how good they are.

· Permanent Research

· Respect for the concepts of other authors

· Originality and creativity

· Brevity and simplicity

· Mental opening

· Own criterion

· Foolproof quality

· Openness to new technologies


Concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI): The work “Finance for Non-Financials” written by José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo appears to be a significant effort to provide financial knowledge to people without formal financial training. Below are some thoughts and observations on the approach and values expressed in the presentation:
1. Emphasis on ethical and moral values: The work places strong emphasis on the importance of ethical and moral values in the business and financial world. This is a positive approach as it highlights the need for responsible business management that goes beyond financial results.

2. Accessibility and clarity: The author strives to present financial concepts in a simple and practical way, which is essential to reach a non-financial audience. This approach makes it easier to understand financial concepts that can often seem overwhelming.
3. Incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI): The inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) concepts in the financial field is relevant, since AI is transforming the way financial decisions are made and data analyzed. This shows a willingness to stay up to date and relevant in a constantly evolving world.
4. Mission and vision: The mission and vision of the work are noble and aim to develop human talent with a critical and ethical perspective. The vision of creating a work permanently updated and enriched by user contributions is a positive approach that encourages collaboration and continuous learning.
5. Business values: The values expressed in the presentation, such as ongoing research, respect for the ideas of other authors, originality, brevity, open-mindedness and quality, are important to promote an ethical and responsible business culture.
In general, "Finance for Non-Financials" seems to be a work that seeks to make financial concepts more accessible and promote business management based on ethical and moral values. These goals are laudable and can be of great help to both those seeking to improve their financial knowledge and financial professionals who wish to incorporate ethical aspects into their work.

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