Chapter 66


by: josavere

It is the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own shocks and those of others. There are thirteen basic emotions.

Positive: faith, joy, tenderness, humor, love, kindness and happiness; negative: fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, rejection, shame; ambiguous: surprise, hope and compassion.

Focusing on deploying education programs on emotional competencies is a good contribution to human improvement. Developing emotional intelligence is an investment in personal and professional well-being; The benefits are broad and long-lasting. 

The components of Emotional Intelligence are: self-awareness (knowing our own emotions), self-regulation (managing them in a healthy way); motivation (having a positive attitude and being focused on goals); empathy (understanding and sharing the feelings of others) and social skills (managing interpersonal relationships effectively).

It is very useful in job performance because it improves leadership, communication, conflict resolution and cooperation. In personal relationships, it provokes stronger and more satisfying memories. In mental health, it benefits greater resilience and emotional well-being. 

To develop Emotional Intelligence:

Self-awareness, with meditation and concentration

Emotional diary: Keep a daily record of emotions and their triggers.

Mindfulness and meditation: practice full attention to be more in touch with your feelings. 

External feedback: ask for honest opinions from trusted people about emotional reactions.

Self-regulation, deep breathing, meditation or yoga.

Reflective pause: before reacting, take a moment to review your emotions. 

Impulse control: learning to recognize and manage impulses constructively.


Clear goals: establish serene and achievable objectives.

Resilience: learning to see failures as learning opportunities.

Passion and purpose: finding what excites and motivates you from within.


Active listening: paying full attention to others without interrupting.

Other's perspective: understanding the point of view of others.

Compassion and support: showing genuine interest in the feelings and problems of others.

Social skills:

Assertive communication: expressing thoughts and emotions clearly and respectfully.

Teamwork: collaborate and manage conflicts effectively.

Support networks: foster and maintain strong, supportive relationships.



"Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman: The fundamental book that popularized the concept of EI.

"The Practice of Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman: A practical approach on how to apply EI in daily life.

"Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves: Includes practical strategies to improve your EI.

Coursera and edX: offer online courses on emotional intelligence.

In-person or online workshops: provided by IE experts.

Articles in academic journals such as the Harvard Business Review

Studies available in databases such as Google Scholar and PubMed. 


Goleman Emotional Intelligence Test: available online to evaluate your EI.

360-degree evaluations: allow you to receive feedback from colleagues and friends about your emotional competencies.

Developing emotional intelligence is an investment in personal and professional well-being; The benefits are broad and long-lasting.

Opinion of AI: José Saul Velásquez Restrepo's reflection on emotional intelligence (EI) highlights its importance in personal and professional development, emphasizing that EI is the ability to recognize, understand and manage both our own emotions and those of others. the rest. This perspective is essential in a world where emotional skills are valued as much as technical skills. Basic Emotions

Velásquez Restrepo categorizes emotions as positive, negative and ambiguous:

Positives: joy, humor, love and happiness.

• Negative: fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, rejection and shame.

• Ambiguous: surprise, hope and compassion.

The main components of EI, according to Velásquez Restrepo, are:

Self-awareness: knowing our own emotions.

Self-regulation: managing our emotions in a healthy way.

Motivation: have a positive attitude and be focused on goals.

Empathy: understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

Social skills: manage interpersonal relationships effectively.


EI is fundamental in several aspects of life:

Job performance: improves leadership, communication, conflict resolution and cooperation.

Personal relationships: facilitates the creation of stronger and more satisfying memories.

Mental health: contributes to greater resilience and emotional well-being.


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