Chapter 74


by: josavere

Observing and discussing in the post-pandemic context, paying attention to the profound and ongoing changes in how we live, work and relate in the contemporary world; some trends and changes in culture and society, including social movements, debates on education and changes in social dynamics after the pandemic, namely

Culture and society : cultural trends, social movements, debates on education, or changes in post-pandemic social dynamics.

Health and Wellness : new research on health, nutrition, exercise, and how to live a balanced life.

Sports : results and analysis of the latest sporting events, and the impact of sport on society.

Literature and art : book recommendations, analysis of literary works, trends in contemporary art, or profiles of notable artists.


Cultural trends

Digitalization of culture : The pandemic accelerated the digitalization of culture. Many cultural events, such as concerts, exhibitions and plays, have moved to the virtual realm, allowing for broader access but also posing challenges about how to monetize and protect content.

Sustainability culture : an increase in environmental awareness and a greater demand for sustainable practices. This change is reflected in art, fashion and other cultural areas, where recycled materials, ethical production and responsible consumption are promoted.

Diversity and inclusion : Representation of different ethnic groups, gender, sexual orientation and abilities in media and culture has increased. Cultural industries are making efforts to be more inclusive and reflect the diversity of society.


Social movements

Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which gained global prominence following the death of George Floyd in 2020, continues to influence debates about racial justice, police reform policies, and minority representation in various areas of public life.

Feminist and gender equality movements : Women's rights and gender equality movements continue to gain strength, advocating for issues such as equal access to work, the elimination of gender-based violence, and reproductive rights.

Climate activism : Youth-led groups like Fridays for Future are putting pressure on governments and corporations to take more decisive action against climate change.

Debates on education

Distance Education : The pandemic forced many institutions to adopt distance education. Although there have been advantages such as flexibility and expanded access, technology access gaps and difficulties in social interaction and practical learning have also been highlighted.

Curriculum reform – An ongoing debate on the need to update school curricula to include 21st century skills such as critical thinking, digital literacy and emotional education.

Inclusive education : Efforts are being made to make education more inclusive by adapting educational methods and materials to cater for students with different abilities and cultural backgrounds.

Changes in post-pandemic social dynamics

Teleworking and work flexibility : Teleworking has become a norm for many companies. This has changed the work dynamic, allowing for greater flexibility, but also challenging the boundaries between work and personal life.

Mental health : The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health, increasing awareness and demand for mental health services. Many people are looking for a better work-life balance.

Interpersonal relationships : Social restrictions and physical distancing have affected interpersonal relationships, leading to an increase in the use of digital platforms to maintain social contact. However, there has also been a resurgence in the value of face-to-face interactions and local community connections.

New forms of consumption : the pandemic has boosted e-commerce and changed consumer habits. People are more likely to shop online, and there is greater interest in supporting local and sustainable businesses. 

Sports results have a significant impact on society at various levels. Here are some examples of how this manifests:

 Unity and national pride

Sporting successes often foster a sense of unity and national pride. For example, when a national team wins a major tournament, such as the World Cup or the Olympics, it can unite people from diverse social classes, ethnicities and regions in a common celebration.


Good results in sport can have positive economic effects. The success of teams and athletes can increase sports tourism, the sale of sports-related products, and investment in sports infrastructure. Additionally, major sporting events can generate significant revenue for host cities.

 Health & Wellness

Sports success can inspire more people to participate in physical activities, promoting a healthier lifestyle. Successful athletes often serve as role models, motivating young people to play sports and stay active.

 Social cohesion

Sporting events and their outcomes can create a sense of community and belonging. People who support the same team or athlete can form strong social bonds, attending events together and collectively celebrating victories.


Sports are sometimes intertwined with politics. Sports successes can be used by governments to promote a positive image of the country or to distract from internal problems. It can also influence international relations, either improving ties between countries or exacerbating rivalries. 

Identity and culture

Sports achievements contribute to the cultural identity of a nation. Specific sports can become an integral part of the national culture, and outstanding athletes can be considered cultural heroes.

Education and youth development

Sport is a powerful tool for education and youth development. Successful outcomes can increase investment in youth sports programs, offering opportunities for personal and professional development through sport.

concrete examples

Football World Cup : France's victory in the 1998 and 2018 World Cups fostered great national pride and mass celebrations, reinforcing the country's multicultural identity.

Olympic Games : Usain Bolt's athletics successes have put Jamaica on the world sporting map, generating enormous national pride and attracting investment in sports programmes.

NBA : The success of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s not only revolutionized the NBA, but also had a significant cultural impact, popularizing basketball globally and creating a culture around the sport.


Recent impact on literature and art: Literature and art are constantly evolving, influenced by global events, technological advances, and social movements. Book recommendations and analyses of literary works can provide deeper insight into these transformations, while following trends and profiles of prominent artists can offer a broader understanding of the contemporary art landscape. 

COVID-19 pandemic : The pandemic has had a significant impact on literature and art. Many cultural events, such as book fairs and art exhibitions, were cancelled or moved to virtual formats. This has led to increased digitalisation of these fields, with more e-books and online art exhibitions.

Social movements : Social movements such as Black Lives Matter and Me Too have influenced the production and reception of literary and artistic works. There is greater attention to diverse voices and issues of social justice, equality and representation.

Technological advancements : Technology continues to transform contemporary art with the use of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain (e.g. NFTs in art). This has opened up new creative possibilities and changed the way artists create and sell their work.

 Recommended books:

"The Infinity in a Reed" by Irene Vallejo : This essay explores the history of the book from ancient times to the present day. It is a fascinating work that combines history, literature and philosophy.

"Hamnet" by Maggie O'Farrell - A historical novel that imagines the lives of William Shakespeare's family during the bubonic plague. It has been highly acclaimed for its prose and emotional depth.

"The Days of the Plague" by Edmundo Paz Soldán : This novel offers a dystopian vision of a world devastated by an epidemic, exploring themes of power, corruption and resistance.

Analysis of literary works:

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez - This masterpiece of magical realism remains relevant for its exploration of themes such as loneliness, cyclical history, and the search for identity. García Márquez's complex narrative and poetic style continue to influence writers around the world.

George Orwell's "1984" – This classic remains a powerful critique of totalitarianism and mass surveillance. In the current context of digital surveillance, Orwell's work has taken on a new meaning.

"The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende : This novel, which mixes magical realism with family history, offers a deep look at the history and politics of Latin America. Its themes of love, power and resistance resonate strongly today.

Trends in contemporary art

Digital Art and NFTs : Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have revolutionized the way digital art is bought and sold. Artists like Beeple have gained notoriety for their multimillion-dollar sales of digital works.

Sustainable Art – A growing interest in art that addresses issues of sustainability and climate change. Artists are using recycled materials and sustainable techniques to raise awareness about the environment.

Interactivity and immersive experiences : Art that engages the viewer in an interactive and multi-sensory way is gaining popularity. Installations such as those by Yayoi Kusama and virtual reality experiences offer new ways of interacting with art.

Featured Artist Profiles

Banksy – This anonymous street artist remains a key figure in contemporary art, known for his provocative and politically charged works appearing in public places.

Yayoi Kusama : Recognized for her "Infinity Mirror Rooms" installations and use of dot patterns, Kusama is one of the most influential and recognizable contemporary artists.

Kara Walker : Your work addresses complex issues of race, gender, and violence through cut-out silhouettes and large installations. Walker is known for her ability to confront the viewer with uncomfortable realities of history and society. 

AI OPINION: José Saúl Velásquez Restrepo offers a comprehensive view of the changes and trends in culture and society in the post-pandemic context, highlighting how the pandemic has accelerated profound transformations in various areas. Below are his key points broken down and discussed:

Culture and Society - Cultural Trends

Digitalization of Culture : The pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual cultural events, which democratized access but also posed challenges regarding monetization and content protection. This phenomenon has allowed more people to access events that were previously geographically limited, but it has also forced artists and organizers to find new ways to generate income and secure their works.

Culture of Sustainability : The increase in environmental awareness is reflected in art, fashion and other cultural areas, promoting sustainable practices. This change is driven by a greater demand for ethical production and responsible consumption, which is manifested in the use of recycled materials and the creation of products with less environmental impact.

Diversity and Inclusion : Representation of diverse groups in the media has improved, reflecting an effort by cultural industries to be more inclusive. This not only responds to a social demand, but also enriches the cultural landscape by including multiple perspectives and experiences.

Social movements

Black Lives Matter : This movement has influenced debates about racial justice and police reforms, marking a significant shift in minority representation. Its impact goes beyond protests, influencing public policies and the way institutions address racial equity.

Feminist and Gender Equality Movements : The fight for women's rights and gender equality continues to gain momentum, addressing issues such as gender violence and reproductive rights. These movements are achieving important legislative and cultural changes, promoting greater equity in various areas.

Climate Activism : Young activists like Greta Thunberg are putting pressure on governments and businesses to address climate change, highlighting the urgency of taking meaningful action. This movement has generated greater environmental awareness and driven changes in corporate policies and practices.

Debates about Education

Distance Education : The pandemic forced the adoption of distance education, revealing both its advantages and the inequalities in access to technology. This change has led to a re-evaluation of educational methods and has highlighted the need to close the digital divide.

Curriculum Reform : There is a debate about the need to update school curricula to include 21st century skills such as critical thinking and digital literacy. This approach seeks to better prepare students for an ever-changing world.

Inclusive Education : Efforts to adapt educational methods to students with diverse abilities and cultural backgrounds are gaining strength, promoting more equitable and accessible education.

Changes in Post-Pandemic Social Dynamics

Teleworking and Work Flexibility : Teleworking has become the norm, changing the work dynamic and challenging the separation between work and personal life. This change has led many companies to reconsider their work policies, offering more flexibility, but also presenting new challenges in terms of time management and productivity.

Mental Health : The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health, increasing demand for services and awareness of emotional wellbeing. This recognition is driving changes in the way businesses and institutions approach the wellbeing of their employees and students.

Interpersonal Relationships : Social restrictions have affected relationships, increasing the use of digital platforms, but also highlighting the value of face-to-face interactions. This has led to a resurgence of interest in local community connections and the importance of direct social interaction.

Sports Impact on Society

Unity and National Pride : Sports successes foster a sense of unity and national pride, as seen with France's victory in the Soccer World Cup. These events can unite people from various social classes and regions in a common celebration.

Economy : Success in sport can boost sports tourism and sales of related products, generating significant revenue. In addition, sporting events can revitalize local economies and attract investment.

Health and Wellbeing : Sports achievements inspire more people to participate in physical activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Successful athletes serve as role models, motivating young people to stay active.

Literature and Art -Trends and Recommendations

Impact of the Pandemic : Digitalization has transformed literature and art, with a rise in e-books and virtual exhibitions. This has allowed for greater accessibility, but has also posed challenges in terms of experience and monetization.

Social Movements : Movements such as Black Lives Matter and Me Too have influenced the production and reception of literary and artistic works, bringing into focus issues of social justice and representation.

Technological Advances : Technology is revolutionizing contemporary art, with the use of virtual reality and NFTs opening new creative possibilities. These advances are changing the way artists create and market their works.

In summary, Velásquez Restrepo's analysis highlights how the pandemic has accelerated significant changes in culture and society, driving new trends and challenging traditional structures. His vision offers a deep understanding of how these changes are shaping the contemporary world and what we can expect in the near future.

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