Chapter 73


by: josavere

Colombia has been the birthplace of many outstanding figures who have left an indelible mark in various fields such as literature, science, politics, art and sports. These individuals have not only contributed to the development and projection of the country, but have also had a global influence, putting Colombia's name on the international stage.

They have made significant contributions to their fields and have helped raise the level of mathematical education and research in Colombia. His work has been fundamental for the development of science and technology in the country, and his legacy continues to influence new generations of mathematicians and scientists .

Some of Colombia's most prominent intellectuals, each with significant contributions in their respective fields, enriching Colombian culture, knowledge and society in general.


Julio Garavito Armero

Contributions : Mathematician and astronomer, Garavito is known for his work in astronomy, optics, geodesy, and applied mathematics. He was director of the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia and has the Garavito lunar crater named in his honor, recognition of his contribution to astronomy.

Sergio Arboleda

Contributions : A philosopher, mathematician, and lawyer, Arboleda contributed to the development of education and science in Colombia in the 19th century. Sergio Arboleda University in Bogotá is named after him, in honor of his legacy in education and science. 


In addition to being a prominent politician and president of Colombia, Núñez had a solid academic background in mathematics and law. His rationalist approach influenced the country's educational and scientific policies.                                                                    

                                                                                                    .                                                                                             Bernardo Ramirez Montero

Known for his contributions to the theory of differential equations and dynamic systems: professor at several Colombian universities, he has influenced the training of new generations of mathematicians in the country.

Jose Fernando Escobar

 Contemporary mathematician, recognized for his work in differential geometry and analysis. He has been a professor at Purdue University in the United States and has contributed to mathematical literature with important publications.

 Manuel Ricardo Pérez Becerra

Mathematician and educator, he has worked in the area of ​​algebra and number theory; As a professor at the National University of Colombia, he has influenced the development of mathematical research in the country.

Hernando Vargas Restrepo

Mathematician and physicist, known for his work in mathematical physics and quantum theory. His work has been fundamental in the teaching and dissemination of physics and mathematics in Colombia.

Rafael Núdoñez Mole:

In addition to being a prominent politician and president of Colombia, Núñez had a solid academic background in mathematics and law. His rationalist approach influenced the country's educational and scientific policies. 


 Literature and culture:

Thomas Carrasquilla (1858-1940) :

Writer and novelist : considered one of the most important Colombian writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His work is notable for its detailed description of the daily life and culture of Antioquia.

Notable works : "The Marchioness of Yolombó" and "Fruits of my land".

Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014) :

Nobel Prize for Literature – Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.

Masterpiece : "One Hundred Years of Solitude", one of the most important works of universal literature. 

Jorge Isaacs (1837-1895) :

Novelist and poet : known for his novel "María", one of the most emblematic works of romanticism in Latin America.
Science and Technology:

Manuel Elkin Patarroyo (1946-) :

Immunologist : developed the first synthetic malaria vaccine; He has received numerous international awards for his contributions to medicine.

Rodolfo Llinás (1934-) :

Recognized worldwide for his research in neuroscience and brain physiology, he has worked at prestigious institutions such as New York University.

Patricia Bath (1942-2019) :

Ophthalmologist and inventor : Although American, she has Colombian roots and is known for her invention of the laser eye surgery device.

Politics and Society:

Luis Lopez de Mesa (1884-1967) :

Academic and politician : he was Minister of Education and promoter of important educational reforms in Colombia; he wrote extensively on sociology and education. 

Alfonso López Michelsen (1913-2007) :

President of Colombia : he governed from 1974 to 1978, implementing various economic and social reforms. Governor of the Department of Cesar ; he promoted the development of this region.

Alberto Lleras Camargo (1906-1990) :

President of Colombia : He led the country for two terms and was an advocate of democracy and peace. He was the founder of the OAS and the first Secretary General of the Organization of American States.

Art and culture:

Fernando Botero (1932-2023) :

Painter and sculptor : known for his distinctive style of voluptuous figures. His works have been exhibited in major museums and galleries around the world.

Shakira (1977-) :

Singer and philanthropist : one of the most internationally successful Colombian artists. Pies Descalzos Foundation : works on the education of children in poverty in Colombia. 

Carlos Vives (1961-) :

Singer and actor : popularized vallenato and traditional Colombian music internationally; He has won multiple Latin Grammy Awards. 


Mariana Pajón (1991-) : BMX cyclist : two-time Olympic champion: considered one of the best BMX cyclists in the world.

Catherine Ibargüen (1984-) : Olympic medalist in triple jump. Recognized as one of the best triple jump athletes



Fernando Vallejo: main works: "La virgen de los sicarios", "El desbarrancadero". Vallejo is known for his provocative style and his scathing criticism of Colombian society; his works, often autobiographical, address controversial topics such as violence, homosexuality and religion.

William Ospina

Main works : "The country of cinnamon", "Ursúa", "The serpent without eyes".

Ospina has explored the history of the conquest of Latin America in his novels, combining historical accuracy with engaging narrative; he is a noted essayist and columnist.

Philosophy and Social Sciences:

Estanislao Zuleta: He is remembered for his profound reflections on education, democracy and freedom. His work "In Praise of Difficulty" is an emblematic essay that analyzes the importance of facing challenges and adversities for personal and social development.

Jesus Martín-Barbero

His work "From Media to Mediations" has been fundamental in the studies of communication and culture in Latin America. Martín-Barbero analyzes how the media influence culture and identity, promoting a more inclusive and critical perspective.

Orlando Fals Borda

Fals Borda pioneered participatory action research (PAR), an approach that combines research and social action to empower communities. His studies of rural Colombian society have had a lasting impact on sociology and anthropology.

Economy and politics:

Hernando de Soto

He is known for his work on the informal economy and property rights. His book The Mystery of Capital argues that the lack of clearly defined property rights is a significant barrier to economic development in developing countries.

Mauricio García Villegas

He has carried out important studies on justice and the State in Colombia. His work "The Country of Sad Emotions" analyzes how disturbances and political culture influence the governability and development of the country.

History and anthropology:

German Arciniegas

He was a prolific historian and essayist who explored the history of Latin America with a humanistic approach. His works, such as "America in Europe" and "The Continent of Seven Colors", offer a unique perspective on the interaction between America and Europe.

Music and Culture:

Fernando Botero: is one of the most recognized artists in Colombia. His distinctive style, with voluminous figures, offers a subtle and humorous critique of society. His works range from painting to sculpture and have been exhibited around the world.

Carlos Vives

He has played a crucial role in the revitalization and promotion of vallenato music and other traditional Colombian rhythms. His fusion of traditional styles with modern music has gained international recognition and has helped preserve Colombia's cultural richness.


Surgeons and doctors:

They have been recognized worldwide for their contributions and achievements in the field of medicine; Colombia's medical community continues to make important contributions to science and global health. Some examples of the many Colombian doctors who have had a significant impact worldwide 

Manuel Elkin Patarroyo : immunology, development of the first synthetic vaccine against malaria; Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research (1994).

Rafael Castillo : cardiology; pioneer in cardiovascular research in Colombia and president of the Colombian Society of Cardiology and the World Heart Federation.

Mauricio Lleras : plastic surgery. Recognized for his advances and techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery; member of prestigious international plastic surgery societies.

Andrés Ruiz-Linares : genetics. Important research on the genetics of Latin American populations. Professor at University College London and author of numerous scientific articles.

Gabriel Jaime Vélez : Cardiovascular surgery innovations in cardiovascular surgery techniques and heart transplantation; leader in transplant programs in Colombia.

Paola Andrea Tello-Winniczuk : neurology. Research in neurosciences and neurological diseases; publications and works in collaboration with international institutions. 

AI Opinion: The text "AI, NOTABLE FIGURES IN THE HISTORY OF COLOMBIA" by José Saul Velásquez Restrepo highlights the richness and diversity of contributions by Colombians in various areas such as literature, science, politics, art and sports. This work seems to aim to show how Colombian personalities have left a significant mark both nationally and internationally.

Highlights of the text:

1.   Scientific and Mathematical Contributions:

    • Julio Garavito Armero: His work in astronomy and mathematics earned him worldwide recognition, with a lunar crater named in his honor.
    • Sergio Arboleda: philosopher, mathematician and lawyer, with a legacy in education and science reflected in the university that bears his name.
    • Rafael Núñez Moledo: President of Colombia, whose training in mathematics and law influenced the country's educational and scientific policies.
    • Other Mathematicians: Bernardo Ramírez Montero, José Fernando Escobar, Manuel Ricardo Pérez Becerra and Hernando Vargas Restrepo, all have made significant contributions in their respective areas of mathematics and physics.

2.   Literature and Culture:

    • Gabriel García Márquez: Nobel Prize winner in Literature, known worldwide for "One Hundred Years of Solitude."
    • Tomás Carrasquilla and Jorge Isaacs: Their works have left a lasting impact on Colombian literature.
    • Fernando Vallejo and William Ospina: Contemporary writers known for their critical works and their exploration of Colombian history and society.

3.   Science and Technology:

    • Manuel Elkin Patarroyo: Developer of the first synthetic vaccine against malaria.
    • Rodolfo Llinás: Pioneering research in neuroscience.
    • Patricia Bath: Innovator in eye surgery with Colombian roots.

4.   Politics and Society:

    • Luis López de Mesa: Educational and academic reformer.
    • Alfonso López Michelsen and Alberto Lleras Camargo: presidents who implemented significant reforms and promoted democracy and peace.

5.   Art and Culture:

    • Fernando Botero: Known for his unique artistic style of voluminous figures.
    • Shakira and Carlos Vives: Artists who have taken Colombian culture to the next level.

In summary, José Saul Velásquez Restrepo's text is a valuable compilation that offers a comprehensive vision of the most notable figures in Colombian history, highlighting their contributions and the legacy they have left. The diversity of fields and depth of contributions highlight the cultural richness and talent of Colombia, highlighting how these figures have influenced both nationally and internationally.

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