Chapter 46


by: josavere


Make it a priority, releasing the tension of the day; eating early and very light at night. Finish caffeinated or alcoholic drinks hours before bedtime.

Leave work and daily responsibilities alone; do not look at screens an hour before bedtime; self-control. Don't check email, pay bills, do housework, or look at social media. Find ways to relax with a book, enjoy a holiday activity, or spend time with loved ones.


AI is an excellent tool for pooling the total intelligence of the collective and making it available to those who eventually need it.

We are people with very limited knowledge and many gaps, but the collective, properly organized, will constitute a mass that, due to its magnitude, requires storage on the Internet of the clouds.

The Internet or cloud computing is a technology that has revolutionized the way we store and access data and applications; It offers flexibility, access from anywhere and cost savings by eliminating the need to manage physical servers because the cloud allows us to access files and applications from almost any device.

By running many virtual machines at once, a server becomes many “servers” and a data center becomes an entire host of data centers, capable of serving many organizations. It is possible thanks to a technology called virtualization that allows you to create virtual, simulated and digital machines, which behave as if they were physical computers with their own hardware. Virtual machines are separated from each other and efficiently use the server hardware that hosts them; It's like having a world of data and applications at our fingertips.

By grouping knowledge with a sense of solidarity, an enormous potential is available to manage, remembering that we are responsible for what machines do because we will always be the programmers, and as such, responsible for correct use in a hyperconnected world. Machines are not a substitute for human effort and even less for critical analysis.

Thinking about the magnitude of the Internet of the clouds that would be needed to accumulate knowledge of more than eight billion inhabitants, which including them can contribute to that base with many growth expectations seeking to make knowledge free for all, as a principle of equality, regardless of the sociocultural and economic conditions to solve the great problem and obstacle to peace and economic development that we face with the concentration of income and wealth - currently measured with the Gini coefficient to know the degree of concentration.

A great effort is urgently needed to educate new generations for its responsible use because AI can create ideas and make decisions.

Making “your food your medicine and your medicine your food”


The phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" is attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered the father of Western medicine.

Throughout history, this phrase has been taken up and popularized by different doctors, nutritionists and defenders of natural and holistic medicine.

In terms of credibility, the idea that diet can influence health is widely accepted in the medical and scientific field. Diet plays a fundamental role in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases, from heart problems to diabetes and cancer; Its message remains relevant and supported by modern scientific evidence.

LEARNING TO USE AI FOR FAMILY BENEFIT: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in many ways to benefit families. The key is to identify specific needs and look for solutions that address them; any ideas:

Home Automation: Using AI systems to control lights, thermostats, security systems and other devices in the home, optimize energy use and improve security; specific technologies, such as motion sensors that activate lights or smart security cameras that send alerts when suspicious activity is detected.

Virtual assistants: Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa can help organize family calendars, remember appointments and shopping lists, play music, and answer quick questions. Use a virtual assistant to set personalized reminders for important family events or to add items to your shopping list while you cook.

Health and Wellness Apps: With AI apps to monitor family physical activity, nutrition and sleep; Some apps can provide personalized advice to improve health and well-being. Popular apps offer personalized advice for improving health, such as exercise tracking apps or guided meditation errands.

Personalized education: with AI platforms that offer personalized educational programs for children and adults; They can adapt to the pace of learning and the individual interests of each family member with platforms that adjust the pace of learning with usage recommendation algorithms to personalize the learning experience and individualized feedback to improve understanding of concepts.


Learning to meditate can be a personal process and unique to each individual, but here are some basic steps that can help you get started:

Find a quiet place: Find a place where you can sit comfortably without distractions.

Adopt a comfortable posture: Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or on the floor with your legs crossed, whichever is more comfortable. Keeping your back upright but relaxed.

Focus on breathing: Gently closing your eyes to focus on breathing, observing how air enters and leaves the body.

Letting thoughts pass: it is normal for the mind to be filled with thoughts. When you notice your mind wandering, simply acknowledge the thoughts and let them pass, returning your attention to your breathing.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation involves paying full attention to the present moment, without judgment. It can be done by focusing on physical sensations, emotions or thoughts while meditating.

Be patient with yourself: Meditation is a practice, and like any skill, it takes time to develop. Don't get frustrated if you find it difficult to concentrate at first or if your mind fills with thoughts. Keep practicing.

Follow a guide: In meditation, it can be helpful to follow a guide or use meditation apps that provide guided instructions and exercises.

Remember that there is no "correct" way to meditate; By experimenting with different techniques, you will find what works best for you. Constant practice leads to wonderful results.



Soft skills, also known as social or emotional skills, are acquired through practice, experience, and self-reflection; They are complementary to technical skills and are essential for success in various areas of life, including the professional and personal spheres. Some steps can help develop them:

Self-knowledge: reflect on strengths and areas for improvement. What are your strengths in social interactions? In what areas do you need to improve?

Active practice: Place yourself in situations that challenge you to use soft skills such as participating in study groups, joining clubs or sports teams, or attending networking events.

Observation and modeling: Observe people who have well-developed soft skills and learn from them by noticing how they handle difficult situations, how they communicate effectively, or how they show empathy.

Receive feedback: Ask friends, family or colleagues for feedback on your soft skills. Accept both praise and suggested areas of improvement and use that information to grow.


Education and training: Look for educational resources, books, online courses or workshops that teach about specific soft skills, such as effective communication, leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, etc.

Deliberate practice: practicing soft skills in different communication situations such as making public presentations or practicing teamwork skills by collaborating on group projects.

Persistence and patience: Developing soft skills takes time and effort, being patient with yourself and practicing even when you encounter challenges.


Learning to live with joy is a process that involves cultivating a positive mindset and practicing habits that promote happiness and well-being; Some suggestions to get you started:

Practice gratitude: Taking a moment each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for helps you focus on the positive instead of the negative.

Finding Passion: Spending time doing things you are truly passionate about; Whether painting, writing, playing sports or any other activity, doing what you love is full of joy.

Take care of your mental and physical health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can improve your mood and increase your sense of well-being.

Cultivate meaningful relationships: Surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel good about yourself. Spending quality time with friends and family can increase your happiness.

Finding humor in life: Don't take everything so seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself and find humor in everyday situations.

Accept what you cannot change: learn to let go of things that are out of control and focus your energy on what you can change.

Doing good for others: Acts of kindness and helping others generate a feeling of joy and satisfaction.

Find time for recreation: Spend time doing things that fun and relax you, including activities like reading, watching movies, going for a walk-in nature, or just resting.

Remember that learning to live with joy is a gradual and unique process for each person. Find what works best for you by being patient with yourself as you work on it.



Learning to live with artificial intelligence (AI) involves understanding its capabilities and limitations by developing skills to interact effectively. Remember that artificial intelligence is a tool designed to improve our lives; reap the benefits while ensuring you use it responsibly and ethically. how to do it:


Education and awareness: become familiar with the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, how it works and how it is applied in different areas of daily life, it helps to better understand its impact and make informed decisions.

Develop digital skills: Improve digital skills, such as the ability to use AI-based tools and platforms. They are complementary to technical skills and are essential for success in various areas of life, including the professional and personal spheres. Learn how to use virtual assistants, personalized recommendation applications and automation systems.

Adaptability: technology is constantly evolving; requires being up to date on the latest trends and advances in AI. Be flexible and open to learning new ways of interacting with technology as they emerge.

Ethics and Privacy: Understand the ethical and privacy issues related to the use of AI. Make sure you protect personal data and use technology responsibly and ethically.

Human-AI collaboration: Recognizes that AI can be a powerful tool to complement human skills, but also that there are areas where human intervention is essential. Learn to work collaboratively with AI systems to achieve optimal results.

Maintain a balance: AI can be useful in many areas of life; it is important to maintain a healthy balance between the use of technology and human interactions. Do not allow AI to completely replace human relationships and face-to-face contact.

Experimentation and continuous learning: Don't be afraid to experiment with new technologies and learn from experiences. Constant practice develops greater familiarity and confidence with AI.

Remember that artificial intelligence is a tool designed to improve our lives, so take advantage of the benefits while making sure to use it responsibly and ethically.



Enjoying liqueurs is an experience that can be developed with time and practice: some tips help you learn to enjoy them:

Start soft: If you're new to liqueurs, start with softer, less intensely flavored options like sweet liqueurs, cream liqueur, coffee liqueur, or fruit liqueur.

Explore different types: There are a wide variety of spirits, from distilled spirits such as whiskey, rum, vodka and gin, to sweeter spirits such as amaretto, Cointreau or Grand Marnier. Try different types to find out which flavors you like best.

Try different brands and qualities: Within each type of liquor, there are many different brands and qualities. Experiment with different options to find the ones you like best. Often, more well-known brands offer more consistent quality, but that doesn't mean you can't find hidden gems in lesser-known brands.

Discover your preferred drinking style: Some people prefer to drink pure spirits, while others enjoy elaborate cocktails. Experiment with different ways of consuming spirits to discover what you like best. You can try it in classic cocktails, such as the Manhattan or Mojito, or simply drink it with ice or water.


Learn about the production and aging process: Learning more about how spirits are produced and how the aging process affects their flavor helps you appreciate them more. Learning about the different producing regions and distillation techniques can also enrich your experience.

Take it easy: enjoying liqueurs is not just about drinking, but also about appreciating the aromas and flavors. Taking the time to smell the liquor before tasting it and then slowly savoring each sip to take in all the nuances of flavor.

Suitable Accompaniment: Some spirits are best enjoyed with certain accompaniments. For example, a good whiskey can pair well with chocolate or nuts, while a fruit liqueur can be delicious with desserts or even mixed in cooking recipes.

      Always drink responsibly and in moderation




Learning to travel is a combination of experience, research and willingness to explore; steps that help:

Research: Before traveling to a new destination, research about it. Learn about the culture, history, customs, climate and places of interest. There are many sources available, from travel guides to specialized websites and travel blogs.

Planning: once you have a general idea of the destination, plan the trip. Decide how long you will stay, where you will stay, how you will get there and what activities you would like to do. It's important to have a basic plan and leave room for spontaneity and exploration.

Budget: Determine how much money you will need for the trip and make a budget. Consider the costs of transportation, accommodation, food, activities and additional expenses. Try to be realistic and take into account unforeseen events.

Learning the language: Traveling to a place where a language other than your own is spoken, learning some basic phrases in that language can be useful and show respect for the local culture.

Safety: research the safety of the place you are traveling to and take appropriate precautions. Make sure you know the local emergency numbers and follow the safety recommendations.

Adaptability: be prepared to adapt to new situations and challenges. Traveling can present unexpected setbacks, but staying open and flexible can turn them into learning experiences.

Cultural respect: respect local customs and traditions. Be aware of etiquette, appropriate dress, and acceptable behaviors in the location you are visiting.

Enjoy the ride: enjoy the ride. Taking the time to immerse yourself in the experience, meet new people, try local foods and create unforgettable memories. Traveling is an opportunity to grow, learn and broaden your perspective of the world.

Dress appropriately:

It depends a lot on the context and the occasion. Remember that the most important thing is to feel safe and comfortable with your choice of clothing; It is always useful to look at the code and adapt it to your own style and preference. Some general suggestions:

Know the dress code: Before choosing your outfit, make sure you know the dress code of the event or place you are attending. It can be formal, informal, casual, business, etc.

Consider the type of event: Is it a formal party, a business meeting, a casual outing with friends? Adjust clothing according to the nature of the event.

Dress according to the season: take into account the climate and the time of year. In summer, opt for light fabrics and light colors, while in winter, choose warmer clothes and dark colors.


Know your own style: dress according to your own style and personality. If you feel comfortable and confident in what you are wearing, that will reflect in your attitude.

Adapt your outfit to the environment: If you are going to a specific location, such as a fancy restaurant or an outdoor activity, consider the comfort and practicality of your outfit.

Don't forget details: pay attention to details such as footwear, accessories and hairstyle; They can make a difference in the overall appearance.

Maintain balance: Avoid going too formal or too informal for the occasion. Find a balance between elegance and comfort. Here are some additional guidelines to dress appropriately for different occasions:

For formal events:

Evening outfit for women: opt for elegant long or short dresses. Dark colors are usually more appropriate, along with fabrics such as silk, satin or lace.

Men's Evening Suit: A dark suit with a dress shirt and tie is a safe choice, accessorize with dress shoes and a matching belt.

For semi-formal events:

Cocktail for women: dresses that reach the knee are appropriate. You can opt for brighter colors and prints, but avoid overly casual designs.

Cocktail party for men: A dark suit or blazer with dress pants is appropriate. Combine with a dress shirt and a tie.

For informal events:

Casual Outing for Women: A pair of well-fitted jeans with a dressy blouse or a bolder T-shirt is an option. Combine with comfortable but elegant shoes, such as ballet flats or ankle boots.

Casual Outing for Men: Jeans or chinos with a casual shirt or polo works well. You can opt for sneakers or loafers depending on the environment.




Languages: Learning a new language not only opens cultural doors, but also exercises your mind in surprising ways.

Programming: With the growth of technology, learning to program gives you useful skills in almost every field, from data science to web development.

Art and Creativity: whether painting, music, writing or any other form of artistic expression; cultivating your creativity can be therapeutic and rewarding.

Philosophy: Exploring philosophy can help you better understand the world and your own beliefs, as well as improve your critical thinking and reasoning skills.

Social Sciences: Learning about psychology, sociology, economics, and other social sciences can help you better understand how societies and the people within them function.

Practical Skills: Learning practical skills such as cooking, gardening, carpentry, sewing, etc., can be both useful and rewarding.

Sports or Physical Activities: Staying active is important for physical and mental health. Explore sports, yoga, hiking or other activities of interest.

History: Dive into the past and learn about different cultures, civilizations, historical events and important figures that have shaped the world we live in.

Science and Technology: stay abreast of scientific and technological advances in fields such as biology, physics, astronomy, artificial intelligence, among others.

Psychology and Personal Development: learn about the human mind, behavior, emotions and techniques to improve your well-being and personal development.

Ecology and Sustainability: understand the environmental challenges facing the planet and discover ways to live more sustainably and respectfully with the environment.

Spirituality and Life Philosophies: Explore different spiritual traditions, life philosophies, and meditation practices to cultivate inner peace and personal growth.

Literature: Immerse yourself in classic and contemporary literary works to expand your understanding of the world and enjoy the beauty of language.

Economics and Personal Finance: learn about how financial markets work, how to manage personal finances and how to make smart financial decisions.

Health Sciences: explore topics related to anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and general well-being to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Continuing Education and Professional Development: There are always opportunities to improve professional skills and advance your career through training courses, seminars and educational programs.

Travel and World Cultures: learn about different countries, cultures, traditions and ways of life through travel, documentaries, books and intercultural experiences.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: discover how to generate creative ideas, develop innovative projects and turn passions into businesses or entrepreneurial projects.

AI Opinion: The opinion expressed by José Saul Velásquez Restrepo addresses several key aspects about the practical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the acquisition of useful skills and knowledge to improve the quality of life. Here are some highlights and reflections on his views:

1. Importance of sleep and rest: Velásquez Restrepo highlights the importance of prioritizing sleep and adopting healthy practices before going to bed to improve the quality of rest. This is a perspective backed by science, as adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental health.

2. Using AI for collective benefit: He notes that AI can be a powerful tool for pooling collective knowledge and making it accessible to those who need it. This vision highlights the potential of AI to democratize access to knowledge and promote global collaboration.

3. Development of soft skills: Velásquez Restrepo emphasizes the importance of developing soft skills, such as effective communication, teamwork and adaptability, along with technical skills. This perspective reflects the growing recognition of the importance of social and emotional skills in personal and professional success.

4. Continuous Learning and Wellbeing: His focus on continuous learning, self-improvement and well-being reflects a growth mindset and an understanding that holistic development is fundamental to a full and satisfying life.

5. Living with AI: Velásquez Restrepo offers practical advice for interacting effectively with AI, including education about how it works and the ethics in its use. He recognizes both the potential benefits and ethical challenges associated with AI, promoting a balanced and responsible approach to this technology.

6. Appreciation of spirits and travel: In addition to topics related to technology and personal development, Velásquez Restrepo also addresses the appreciation of spirits and the experience of travel, reflecting an understanding of the importance of enjoyment and exploration in life .

In summary, José Saul Velásquez Restrepo's opinions cover a variety of topics related to well-being, learning, coexistence with technology, and appreciation of life. His focus on integrating healthy practices, developing skills, and leveraging technology responsibly offers valuable perspectives on how to improve quality of life in the modern era.

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